NickMcConnell / FAangband

First Age Angband
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Bug? Ability selection #385

Closed ECoulter closed 9 months ago

ECoulter commented 9 months ago

Update: has nothing to do with Unlight! This happens for other "first in the list" abilities IFF you select another ability first, change your mind (hit 'n') and try to choose the 1st item on the list, the "chosen ability" won't update, and it becomes impossible to select the 1st ability.

Edit: original text: When creating a new hobbit rogue or blackguard, and trying to learn the first ability, “Unlight” is listed but on selection, the display asks if you are sure you want to choose either the next entry on the list OR the previous selection (if you select another ability first but decline it).

Found this using release 2.01 on Windows and a git clone + build of current master on Linux.

Just realized I haven’t tested on other race/rogue,blackguard combos but afaict that shouldn’t matter?

I don’t see anything obviously different about the definition of UNLIGHT, hoping to poke at this more when I can find time, but figured I’d mention in the meantime.