NickPerlich / Bettermo

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Product ideas Kaveh Ghalambor #9

Open kghalamb opened 11 months ago

kghalamb commented 11 months ago

idea 1

make an endpoint that allows a user to pay the exact amount that they owe, instead of a custom amount. It gives less room for error on the users part if they choose to do so and most of the logic is already figured out through /users/{user_id}/balances/{other_user_id}

There would be no input and the output will be someway of showing that they are succesful

idea 2

create an endpoint that a user can use to see all other users that they owe money too. This will take the input of a user id, and return a json formatted text listing the information of all users that the caller owes money to

{ users: [ { id: 1 name: Kaveh }, {....} ] }