NickWaterton / Roomba980-Python

Python program and library to control iRobot Roomba 980 Vacuum Cleaner
MIT License
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Is the a way to sync user_pmapv_id between local and cloud? #105

Open SerhiiAksiutin opened 2 years ago

SerhiiAksiutin commented 2 years ago

Problem: Invalid user_pmapv_id gets triggered by GET /api/local/action/cleanRoom call

Response examples from app vs api:

Screen Shot 2022-02-23 at 12 20 15 PM

Workaround: Go to the app > map > edit and add or delete a zone. That will sync valid user_pmapv_id.


[2022-02-23 19:16:36,155][ INFO](Roomba.iRobot       ) Received Roomba Data: $aws/things/C819D501F5ED43DA80E6D9549BA9E89D/shadow/update, b'{"state":{"reported":{"lastCommand": {"command": "start", "initiator": "rmtApp", "time": 1645643793, "ordered": 1, "pmap_id": "0l4V1zklRqWC9ibCpmUWtQ", "regions": [{"region_id": "35", "type": "rid"}, {"region_id": "34", "type": "rid"}, {"region_id": "1", "type": "rid"}, {"region_id": "36", "type": "rid"}], "user_pmapv_id": "220212T100235"}}}}'
[2022-02-23 19:16:36,156][WARNI](Roomba.iRobot       ) Error looking up error message 224