NickWaterton / Roomba980-Python

Python program and library to control iRobot Roomba 980 Vacuum Cleaner
MIT License
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I Can't access to the REST interface on my LAN #109

Open algorytmix02 opened 2 years ago

algorytmix02 commented 2 years ago

hello I cant' acces to the Rest interface but I have modified and when I have start with Phyton

Roomba..api - INFO - starting api WEB Server V2.0e on port 8200<

But if a go to the (my VM with the installation are in didn't respond sorry for my bad english i'm french ;)

NickWaterton commented 2 years ago

What is the output when you start Please post the whole thing.

Also post your version of

algorytmix02 commented 2 years ago

What is the output when you start Please post the whole thing.

Also post your version of

if I run python3

root@Adguard:~/Roomba980-Python/roomba# python3 CV or numpy module not found, falling back to PIL PIL module not found, maps are disabled CV or numpy module not found, falling back to PIL PIL module not found, maps are disabled CV or numpy module not found, falling back to PIL PIL module not found, maps are disabled [2022-06-26 19:32:58,007] INFO [2022-06-26 19:32:58,008] INFO Program Started [2022-06-26 19:32:58,008] INFO [2022-06-26 19:32:58,008] INFO Version: 2.0i [2022-06-26 19:32:58,008] INFO Python Version: 3.7.3 (default, Jan 22 2021, 20:04:44) [GCC 8.3.0] [2022-06-26 19:32:58,009] INFO Paho MQTT Version: 1.6.1 [2022-06-26 19:32:58,009] INFO to Exit [2022-06-26 19:32:58,009] INFO Roomba MQTT data Interface [2022-06-26 19:32:58,009] INFO Using Password version 2.1 [2022-06-26 19:32:58,010] INFO reading/writing info from config file ./config.ini [2022-06-26 19:32:58,011] INFO 1 Roombas Found [2022-06-26 19:32:58,011] INFO Creating Roomba object, Pedro [2022-06-26 19:32:58,012] INFO Using Password version 2.1 [2022-06-26 19:32:58,012] INFO Posting DECODED data [2022-06-26 19:32:58,013] INFO Connecting... [2022-06-26 19:32:58,014] INFO Setting TLS [2022-06-26 19:32:58,016] INFO Setting TLS - OK [2022-06-26 19:32:59,184] INFO Roomba Connected [2022-06-26 19:32:59,662] INFO Received Roomba Data: $aws/things/35

and my

import asyncio
from roomba import Roomba
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
import time
import json
import logging

#Uncomment the following two lines to see logging output
      format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')

#put your own values here
broker = ''    #ip of mqtt broker
user = 'jeedom'           #mqtt username
password = 'jeedom'   #mqtt password
#broker = None if not using local mqtt broker
address = ''
blid = "3552201771294B429900B57E990AEC02"
roombaPassword = ":1:1654789638:XCZyZCphbiv6aLf0"

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

#myroomba = Roomba(address)  #minnimum required to connect on Linux Debian system, will read connection from config file
myroomba = Roomba(address, blid, roombaPassword, webport=8200)  #setting things manually

#all these are optional, if you don't include them, the defaults will work just fine
#if you are using maps
myroomba.enable_map(enable=True, mapSize="(800,1650,-300,-50,2,0)", mapPath="./", iconPath="./res")  #enable live maps, class default is no maps
if broker is not None:
    myroomba.setup_mqtt_client(broker, 1883, user, password, '/roomba/feedback') #if you want to publish Roomba data to your own mqtt broker (default is not to) if you have more than one roomba, and assign a ro$
#finally connect to Roomba - (required!)

print("<CMTRL C> to exit")
print("Subscribe to /roomba/feedback/# to see published data")


except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
    print("System exit Received - Exiting program")

thank you for your reply

NickWaterton commented 2 years ago

Ok, you are trying to use maps with no graphics modules loaded.

You need at least PIL, and preferably OpenCV installed for the maps.html web page to work.

Try pip3 install Pillow to install PIL, and see if that helps.

See for full instructions.

Better yet, install OpenCV, this can be quite complicated though.