NickWaterton / Roomba980-Python

Python program and library to control iRobot Roomba 980 Vacuum Cleaner
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How do I access cd Roomba980-Python/roomba #89

Open campam0514 opened 3 years ago

campam0514 commented 3 years ago

When I type cd Roomba980-Python/roomba into python, this comes up

>>> cd Roomba980-Python/roomba
  File "<stdin>", line 1
    cd Roomba980-Python/roomba
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

How do you access that file on python?

NickWaterton commented 3 years ago

The cd command is not a Python command, it’s an OS command.

I think you need to learn some Linux basics, and some Python basics before you go any further.

This might be helpful:

campam0514 commented 3 years ago

Thank you for the info, I'm just learning about this

campam0514 commented 3 years ago

Is this what I am supposed to get or am I doing something wrong? I held the home button on the roomba before I ran the program. C:\Users\Carlos\Roomba980-Python\roomba> [2021-05-02 15:44:16,806][ INFO](Roomba ) ******************* [2021-05-02 15:44:16,806][ INFO](Roomba ) * Program Started * [2021-05-02 15:44:16,806][ INFO](Roomba ) ******************* [2021-05-02 15:44:16,806][ INFO](Roomba ) Version: 2.0f [2021-05-02 15:44:16,806][ INFO](Roomba ) Python Version: 3.9.4 (tags/v3.9.4:1f2e308, Apr 6 2021, 13:40:21) [MSC v.1928 64 bit (AMD64)] [2021-05-02 15:44:16,806][ INFO](Roomba ) Paho MQTT Version: 1.5.1 [2021-05-02 15:44:16,806][ INFO](Roomba ) CV Version: 4.5.1 [2021-05-02 15:44:16,806][ INFO](Roomba ) PIL Version: 8.2.0 [2021-05-02 15:44:16,806][ INFO](Roomba ) <CNTRL C> to Exit [2021-05-02 15:44:16,806][ INFO](Roomba ) Roomba MQTT data Interface [2021-05-02 15:44:16,806][ INFO](Roomba.Password ) Using Password version 2.0a [2021-05-02 15:44:16,806][ INFO](Roomba.Password ) reading/writing info from config file ./config.ini [2021-05-02 15:44:16,806][ INFO](Roomba.Password ) 1 Roombas Found [2021-05-02 15:44:16,806][ INFO](Roomba ) Creating Roomba object, Coco [2021-05-02 15:44:16,822][ INFO](Roomba.Password ) Using Password version 2.0a [2021-05-02 15:44:16,822][ INFO](Roomba.Coco ) Posting DECODED data [2021-05-02 15:44:16,822][ INFO](Roomba.Coco ) MAP: Maps Enabled [2021-05-02 15:44:16,822][ INFO](Roomba.Coco ) Connecting... [2021-05-02 15:44:16,822][ INFO](Roomba.Coco ) Setting TLS [2021-05-02 15:44:16,822][WARNI](Roomba.Coco ) error loading font: %s, loading default font [2021-05-02 15:44:16,822][ INFO](Roomba.Coco ) Setting TLS - OK [2021-05-02 15:44:16,868][ INFO](Roomba.Coco ) MAP: opening existing map_notext.png [2021-05-02 15:44:16,868][WARNI](Roomba.Coco ) MAP: unable to load map_notext.png: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './Cocomap_notext.png': set to None [2021-05-02 15:44:16,868][ INFO](Roomba.Coco ) MAP: home_pos: (400,750) [2021-05-02 15:44:16,868][ INFO](Roomba.Coco ) MAP: Initialisation complete [2021-05-02 15:44:37,883][ERROR](Roomba.Coco ) Connection Error: [WinError 10060] A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond [2021-05-02 15:44:38,886][ERROR](Roomba.Coco ) Attempting retry Connection# 0 [2021-05-02 15:44:38,886][ INFO](Roomba.Coco ) Attempting to Reconnect... [2021-05-02 15:44:59,919][ERROR](Roomba.Coco ) Connection Error: [WinError 10060] A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond [2021-05-02 15:45:00,925][ERROR](Roomba.Coco ) Attempting retry Connection# 1 [2021-05-02 15:45:00,925][ INFO](Roomba.Coco ) Attempting to Reconnect... [2021-05-02 15:45:21,955][ERROR](Roomba.Coco ) Connection Error: [WinError 10060] A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond [2021-05-02 15:45:22,960][ERROR](Roomba.Coco ) Attempting retry Connection# 2 [2021-05-02 15:45:22,960][ INFO](Roomba.Coco ) Attempting to Reconnect... [2021-05-02 15:45:43,990][ERROR](Roomba.Coco ) Connection Error: [WinError 10060] A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond [2021-05-02 15:46:44,004][ERROR](Roomba.Coco ) Attempting retry Connection# 3 [2021-05-02 15:46:44,004][ INFO](Roomba.Coco ) Attempting to Reconnect... [2021-05-02 15:47:05,055][ERROR](Roomba.Coco ) Connection Error: [WinError 10060] A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond

NickWaterton commented 3 years ago

No, it’s not.

I suggest you follow the directions exactly.

ie run without pressing any buttons, and follow the on screen instructions.

You could run instead, to get the connection info, but you need to follow the instructions exactly.

campam0514 commented 3 years ago

I followed the on screen instructions exactly as they said and it says that there is an error communicating with the robot

NickWaterton commented 3 years ago

Did you manage to get this to connect? did work?

campam0514 commented 3 years ago

No, It says there was a problem with it. To get the live map do I have to have the password for the Roomba?

From: Nick Waterton @.> Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2021 10:05 AM To: NickWaterton/Roomba980-Python @.> Cc: campam0514 @.>; Author @.> Subject: Re: [NickWaterton/Roomba980-Python] How do I access cd Roomba980-Python/roomba (#89)

Did you manage to get this to connect? did work?

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NickWaterton commented 3 years ago


The process is:

You get the blid and password by running, and following the instructions. The blid and password are written to the file config.ini

When you run, it reads these values from config.ini.

If config.ini doesn’t exist, runs automatically.

Can you post the contents of your config.ini file and I’ll see if it looks OK.

I also haven’t tried on Windows with python 3.9, so there may be something going on with that.

campam0514 commented 3 years ago

I don’t have a config.ini yet but I will try the tomorrow

From: Nick Waterton @.> Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2021 6:15 PM To: NickWaterton/Roomba980-Python @.> Cc: campam0514 @.>; Author @.> Subject: Re: [NickWaterton/Roomba980-Python] How do I access cd Roomba980-Python/roomba (#89)


The process is:

You get the blid and password by running, and following the instructions. The blid and password are written to the file config.ini

When you run, it reads these values from config.ini.

If config.ini doesn’t exist, runs automatically.

Can you post the contents of your config.ini file and I’ll see if it looks OK.

I also haven’t tried on Windows with python 3.9, so there may be something going on with that.

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