NickWaterton / eWeLink-mqtt

Bridge to control Sonoff Devices via MQTT
MIT License
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[D Main.EwelinkClient ] WS connection closed while sending json string #3

Closed skycrack-77 closed 1 year ago

skycrack-77 commented 3 years ago

Hello, i want change the bright of a B2 Bulb. When i send
mosquitto_pub -t "/ewelink_command/1001088fc6/send_json" -m '{white:{br:100, ct:0}}' the Websocket disconnected.

[D Main.EwelinkClient ] CLIENT: message received topic: /ewelink_command/1001088fc6/send_json [I Main.EwelinkClient ] CLIENT: Received Command: send_json, device: 1001088fc6, Setting: {white:{br:100, ct:0}} [D Main.Default ] deviceid: 1001088fc6, got command from queue: send_json, {white:{br:100, ct:0}} [I Main.Default ] Default CLIENT: Received Command: send_json, device: 1001088fc6, Setting: {white:{br:100, ct:0}} [D Main.Default ] send_json: for device 1001088fc6 [D Main.EwelinkClient ] sending: { "action": "update", "apikey": "0ea2ca0f-6b45-43ff-819a-710439769f54", "deviceid": "1001088fc6", "from": "app", "params": "{white:{br:100, ct:0}}", "sequence": "1619356129714", "ts": 1619356129, "userAgent": "app" } [D Main.EwelinkClient ] Sending command: {"action": "update", "userAgent": "app", "from": "app", "params": "{white:{br:100, ct:0}}", "apikey": "0ea2ca0f-6b45-43ff-819a-710439769f54", "deviceid": "1001088fc6", "ts": 1619356129, "sequence": "1619356129714"} [D Main.EwelinkClient ] WS connection closed [D Main.EwelinkClient ] Disconnecting [D Main.Default ] deviceid: 10008ae241, process queue exited: task completed [D Main.Default ] deviceid: 100097c066, process queue exited: task completed [D Main.Default ] deviceid: 10009345e5, process queue exited: task completed [D Main.Default ] deviceid: 1000920eae, process queue exited: task completed [D Main.Default ] deviceid: 1000644d1f, process queue exited: task completed [D Main.Default ] deviceid: 10003baa31, process queue exited: task completed [D Main.Default ] deviceid: 100103f737, process queue exited: task completed [D Main.Default ] deviceid: 10003baafc, process queue exited: task completed [D Main.Default ] deviceid: 1001088fc6, process queue exited: task completed [D Main.Default ] deviceid: 10011fcc31, process queue exited: task completed [D Main.EwelinkClient ] exited keepalive loop [I Main.EwelinkClient ] published: EWE-MQclient/status: Disconnected [D Main.EwelinkClient ] Exited Receive Loop [W Main ] Client Disconnected

The Json Output from ewelink is: { "__v": 0, "_id": "608042abf4b0e20008d548c7", "apikey": "0ea2ca0f-6b45-43ff-819a-710439769f54", "brandLogoUrl": "", "brandName": "SONOFF", "createdAt": "2021-04-21T15:20:11.588Z", "devConfig": {}, "devGroups": [], "deviceUrl": "", "deviceid": "1001088fc6", "devicekey": "54af3297-3bcc-4af6-9f69-4c049a6af309", "extra": { "id": "5f97e54a875e410cccbd4df1", "extra": { "apmac": "d0:27:02:11:1c:dd", "brandId": "5c4c1aee3a7d24c7100be054", "description": "20201027008", "mac": "d0:27:02:11:1c:dc", "manufacturer": "\u6df1\u5733\u677e\u8bfa\u6280\u672f\u6709\u9650\u516c\u53f8", "model": "WTW-SNL-02", "modelInfo": "5e7a146548af4f7140874c8e", "staMac": "D0:27:02:11:1C:DC", "ui": "\u53cc\u8272\u51b7\u6696\u706f\u652f\u6301\u968f\u8c03\u53ca\u573a\u666f", "uiid": 103 } }, "family": { "id": "5ea82fbd3afd5d0007e0991e", "index": -7 }, "group": "", "groups": [], "ip": "", "location": "", "name": "B2 Lampe", "offlineTime": "2021-04-24T12:16:33.528Z", "online": true, "onlineTime": "2021-04-25T01:01:51.461Z", "params": { "OTA": "success", "bindInfos": { "alexa": [ "0ea3ca0f-6b45-42ff-819a-710439769f54_26ca1996a20e8bd63617ab272d4eeede1d2d8e32" ], "gaction": [ "0ea2ca0d-6b45-42ff-819a-710439769f54_ewelink-google-home-v1" ] }, "bright": { "br": 100, "ct": 255 }, "computer": { "br": 20, "ct": 255 }, "fwVersion": "1.3.5", "ltype": "white", "nightLight": { "br": 5, "ct": 0 }, "read": { "br": 100, "ct": 255 }, "selfApikey": "", "sequence": "123456789", "staMac": "D0:27:02:11:1C:DC", "switch": "on", "timers": [], "version": 7, "white": { "br": 39, "ct": 0 } }, "productModel": "B02", "relational": [], "settings": { "alarmNotify": 1, "appDoorbellNotify": 1, "opsHistory": 1, "opsNotify": 0, "wxAlarmNotify": 0, "wxDoorbellNotify": 0, "wxOpsNotify": 0 }, "shareUsersInfo": [], "sharedTo": [], "showBrand": true, "type": "10", "uiid": 103 },

Maybe i do something wrong. Im glad for a Hint.

NickWaterton commented 3 years ago

Hi, you have a Json formatting problem.

The string '{white:{br:100, ct:0}}' is not valid Json. Json expects around strings (like “white”, “br”, “ct”).

So you would use the command:

mosquitto_pub -t "/ewelink_command/1001088fc6/send_json" -m '{“white”:{“br”:100, “ct”:0}}' 

You may also have to escape the depending on what OS/shell you are using.

You may also find that you don’t need the brackets ie

mosquitto_pub -t "/ewelink_command/1001088fc6/send_json" -m '“white”:{“br”:100, “ct”:0}' 

Let me know which of these (if any) works.

skycrack-77 commented 3 years ago

Hello Nick, thanks for your support. unfortunately it doesn't work. I try everything for Days an read all the Comments in your code, without success. mosquitto_pub -t "/ewelink_command/1001088fc6/send_json" -m '{"white":{"br":100, "ct":0}}' Sending command: {"action": "update", "userAgent": "app", "from": "app", "params": "{\"white\":{\"br\":100, \"ct\":0}}", "apikey": "0ea2ca0f-6b45-43ff-819a-710439769f54", "deviceid": "1001088fc6", "ts": 1619376019, "sequence": "1619376019255"} [D Main.EwelinkClient ] WS connection closed

mosquitto_pub -t "/ewelink_command/1001088fc6/send_json" -m '"white":{"br":100, "ct":0}' [D Main.EwelinkClient ] Sending command: {"action": "update", "userAgent": "app", "from": "app", "params": "\"white\":{\"br\":100, \"ct\":50}", "apikey": "0ea2ca0f-6b45-43ff-819a-710439769f54", "deviceid": "1001088fc6", "ts": 1619376520, "sequence": "1619376520404"} [D Main.EwelinkClient ] WS connection closed

also i try mosquitto_pub -t "/ewelink_command/1001088fc6/send_json" -m 'white: {'br': 2, 'ct': 0}'

[D Main.EwelinkClient ] CLIENT: message received topic: /ewelink_command/1001088fc6/send_json [I Main.EwelinkClient ] CLIENT: Received Command: send_json, device: 1001088fc6, Setting: white: {br: 2, ct: 0} [D Main.Default ] deviceid: 1001088fc6, got command from queue: send_json, white: {br: 2, ct: 0} [I Main.Default ] Default CLIENT: Received Command: send_json, device: 1001088fc6, Setting: white: {br: 2, ct: 0} [D Main.Default ] send_json: for device 1001088fc6 [D Main.EwelinkClient ] sending: { "action": "update", "apikey": "0ea2ca0f-6b45-42ff-819a-710439769f54", "deviceid": "1001088fc6", "from": "app", "params": "white: {br: 2, ct: 0}", "sequence": "1619377230468", "ts": 1619377230, "userAgent": "app" } [D Main.EwelinkClient ] Sending command: {"action": "update", "userAgent": "app", "from": "app", "params": "white: {br: 2, ct: 0}", "apikey": "0ea2ca0f-6b45-42ff-819a-710439769f54", "deviceid": "1001088fc6", "ts": 1619377230, "sequence": "1619377230468"} [D Main.EwelinkClient ] WS connection closed [D Main.EwelinkClient ] Disconnecting [D Main.Default ] deviceid: 10008ae241, process queue exited: task completed [D Main.Default ] deviceid: 100097c066, process queue exited: task completed [D Main.Default ] deviceid: 10009345e5, process queue exited: task completed [D Main.Default ] deviceid: 1000920eae, process queue exited: task completed [D Main.Default ] deviceid: 1000644d1f, process queue exited: task completed [D Main.Default ] deviceid: 10003baa31, process queue exited: task completed [D Main.Default ] deviceid: 100103f737, process queue exited: task completed [D Main.Default ] deviceid: 10003baafc, process queue exited: task completed [D Main.Default ] deviceid: 1001088fc6, process queue exited: task completed [D Main.Default ] deviceid: 10011fcc31, process queue exited: task completed [D Main.EwelinkClient ] exited keepalive loop [I Main.EwelinkClient ] published: EWE-MQclient/status: Disconnected [D Main.EwelinkClient ] Exited Receive Loop [W Main ] Client Disconnected

Format looks good, but no Success sorry about that. hope we find a solution. Best Regards

NickWaterton commented 3 years ago

I don’t have a B2 bulb to try, but I’ll take a look tomorrow.

By the way:

mosquitto_pub -t "/ewelink_command/1001088fc6/send_json" -m 'white: {'br': 2, 'ct': 0}'

Can’t work. Json expects around strings. You could try this:

mosquitto_pub -t "/ewelink_command/1001088fc6/send_json" -m 'white: {“br”: 2, “ct”: 0}'

Json formatting is very specific. It might be easier to knock up a custom device for the B2, I’s fairly simple.

Are the settings ‘white’, ‘read’, ‘computer’ etc names that you gave to the settings? Or are they built in?

NickWaterton commented 3 years ago

Ok, the problem is that it’s sending the command as a string, not Json.

mosquitto_pub -t "/ewelink_command/1001088fc6/send_json" -m '{"white":{"br":100, "ct":0}}'

Is the correct format, I need to figure out why it’s not being loaded as Json.

NickWaterton commented 3 years ago

Ok, found it.

I just pushed a fixed version. Try pulling it now, hopefully it will now work correctly with:

mosquitto_pub -t "/ewelink_command/1001088fc6/send_json" -m '{"white":{"br":100, "ct":0}}'
NickWaterton commented 3 years ago

Having looked through the code (which I haven't in a while), if the B2 gets set up as a default device, with the new version I just pushed, you could also use the command:

mosquitto_pub -t "/ewelink_command/1001088fc6/white" -m '{"br":100, "ct":0}'


mosquitto_pub -t "/ewelink_command/1001088fc6/bright" -m '{"br":100, "ct":0}'

or computer, read, nightLight etc. as these commands should be created by the default device automatically, along with set_switch. I'm not sure if ltype is a setting (it's set to white right now) - or is read only, but that would also be available as a command, eg:

mosquitto_pub -t "/ewelink_command/1001088fc6/ltype" -m 'read'

let me know if these commands work as expected, if so, a custom device isn't really needed.

skycrack-77 commented 3 years ago

Dear Nick, I am very excited once again. mosquitto_pub -t "/ewelink_command/1001088fc6/send_json" -m '{"white":{"br":100, "ct":0}}' works wonderfully. I hope to be able to derive the remaining application functions in this way. The other Params in your last Posting i will try. Thank you very much for your very quick response and the time you invested. if I had your address I would send you a B2 ;-)

NickWaterton commented 3 years ago

Glad it's working.

I don't think sending me a B2 would help as it's a Europe only product I believe (220-240V). - I'm in Canada.

It did help sort out some bugs in the send_json interface anyway!

skycrack-77 commented 1 year ago
Hello Nick, how are you tdoay.Hope all is fine.Im Back with a smal issue of ewelink-mqtt Since a reboot of my Fhem Automatisation Unit i get the foling Output and no Connect to the api. [D Main.EwelinkClient  ] received response status: 200[D Main.EwelinkClient  ] received response: {  "error": 403,  "msg": "Sign:oauthClient enable invalid"}[E Main.EwelinkClient  ] login error: 403, :None[W Main                ] Client Disconnected Have you any Idea?Best Wishes,  Rene Hartmann   Gesendet von Mail für Windows Von: Nick WatertonGesendet: Montag, 26. April 2021 04:01An: NickWaterton/eWeLink-mqttCc: skycrack-77; AuthorBetreff: Re: [NickWaterton/eWeLink-mqtt] [D Main.EwelinkClient ] WS connection closed while sending json string (#3) Ok, found it.I just pushed a fixed version. Try pulling it now, hopefully it will now work correctly with:mosquitto_pub -t "/ewelink_command/1001088fc6/send_json" -m '{"white":{"br":100, "ct":0}}'—You are receiving this because you authored the thread.Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe. 
NickWaterton commented 1 year ago

New App ID and Secret was required.