NickeManarin / ScreenToGif

🎬 ScreenToGif allows you to record a selected area of your screen, edit and save it as a gif or video.
Microsoft Public License
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Tooks all of the space in the C disk #761

Open molodchyk opened 3 years ago

molodchyk commented 3 years ago

I made one gif and it worked fine. Then, I took the second gif and it started processing it. It stopped and said that there is no free space, although I intended to save it on D disk. It took impressive 20 gigabytes of C disk, and I don't even know where to check to delete this data. Of course, the second gif I was unable to process and save. I cleaned 30 gigabytes of data on C disk, recorded another shot for the second gif, and after processing it shows me again that sign that I don't have free space anymore. Where is all the space? Meanwhile, gif is 3 minutes long.

NickeManarin commented 3 years ago

This app was designed to record small clips, in order to save as gif. It's not really optimized to capture long sessions.

You may try to enable memory caching with compression in Options > Recorder, but it won't help much.

Also, to remove the recording cache, go to Extras > Storage and click to clear cache.