Nickersoft / push-fcm-plugin

Official Firebase Cloud Messaging plugin for Push.js v1.0 :fire:
42 stars 13 forks source link

location of mainifest file #7

Closed norcross closed 6 years ago

norcross commented 6 years ago

Is it possible to change the location, similar to the serviceWorkerLocation? Or just simply loading it in the HTML with whatever path it has work?

(I'm building this into a WordPress site and can't access the root directly)

Nickersoft commented 6 years ago

Hey @norcross, not sure if you ever figured this out, but the HTML <link> path should be fine (see the README). manifest.json is a Firebase thing, and Push doesn't need to know the location of it in order to run, as long as Firebase knows where it is. Read more here.

norcross commented 6 years ago

I had actually got sidetracked on a different project, so this is timely. thanks!