NicklasWallgren / instagram-api

Instagram Private API
MIT License
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How can I get ThreadID from a user who is not in my DirectInbox? #48

Open noxzemart opened 3 years ago

noxzemart commented 3 years ago

Hello. How can I get ThreadID from a user who is not in my DirectInbox (thread) ?


NicklasWallgren commented 3 years ago

@noxzemart Hey, you can only access threads which is currently in your inbox, as far as I know.

noxzemart commented 3 years ago

@noxzemart Hey, you can only access threads which is currently in your inbox, as far as I know.

it mean that we will can't send message to user who not in DirectInbox. so we have another way to get ThreadId by user_id or user_name ? I think if we can get ThreadId we will can send the message to user that not in DirectInbox. thanks.

NicklasWallgren commented 3 years ago

Alright, you'll need to create a new thread using one of the direct_v2/threads/broadcast api endpoints, and send the user ids as "recipient_users".

I haven't implemented support for those endpoints yet.

noxzemart commented 3 years ago

Alright, you'll need to create a new thread using one of the direct_v2/threads/broadcast api endpoints, and send the user ids as "recipient_users".

I haven't implemented support for those endpoints yet.

sorry I miss understand with this point. could you provide me more detail about this ? thanks.

BigBalli commented 1 year ago

you can send a first message (no existing thread) by using $instagram->sendDirectMessage