NickvisionApps / Denaro

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Bank account synchronization with STET PSD2 #170

Open azmeuk opened 1 year ago

azmeuk commented 1 year ago

PSD2 is an European directive that promotes - among other things - open banking. The STET PSD2 API describes several operations that can be realized on user bank accounts, and among others there is AISP (Account Information Service Providers) that allows access to users account transactions. It is reputed to be a de facto standard in Europe, and is for instance implemented in most French banks: CIC, Crédit Agricole- La Banque Postale, the BPCE Group (Banque Populaire, Caisse d'Épargne, Crédit Coopératif) etc.

I know this is more an epic than a quick task, but I would suggest implementing a mechanism to synchronize bank account transactions in money using this standard.

darkdragon-001 commented 1 year ago

In Germany, mostly FinTS is used (replacing HBCI). You can find a list of more than 1000 banks supporting this standard here.

darkdragon-001 commented 1 year ago

I just noticed that GNUCash uses the AQBanking library for import/export from/to various formats and online APIs.

gunwald commented 1 year ago

Just for the record: There is also an applications called »Banking« which works as a FinTS client:

This is a FinTS banking application using python-fints as backend library. This application is able to connect to your bank and will show your current balance and transactions. It has been created for my upcoming Librem 5 smartphone by Purism.

I never got it working, but maybe you could combine efforts.

jbingram commented 1 year ago

The app »Banking« only works with German banks, and the maintainer is a busy guy, seem to have no time to expand to other foreign bank transfer protocols. Has he time to combine efforts ???? @jbrummer ( ), up to you! In any case FinTS is Germono centric, so I guess better implement on top something more universally used by different countries, like e.g. the PSD2 is an European directive mentioned previously.

ayykamp commented 11 months ago

This would be an amazing feature, being able to automatically import all transactions and then be able to categorize them in Denaro.

The project Firefly-III uses proprietary APIs to do this but an open source implementation would of course be ideal :)

ayykamp commented 11 months ago

See also

xplosionmind commented 10 months ago

Hi! I am very much interested in this topic, even though:

My bank is the Italian Banca Etica. How can I verify what protocol and what systems they use? If I wanted to open a request to implement an open banking standard, what could I do?

Thanks a lot!


Kuchenmampfer commented 9 months ago

I already use saldo and currently just copy everything from there into denaro by hand. So for me, any way of automatically retrieving transactions from saldo would be enough. However, this would of course only cover german banks until saldo expands