NickvisionApps / Denaro

Manage your personal finances
MIT License
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[Enhancement] Default creating to the selected date #790

Open SpicyWasab opened 4 months ago

SpicyWasab commented 4 months ago

Hello there !

As always with Nickvision apps, Denaro has a clear UI and does what I want. Unfortunately, there's one behaviour that makes it painful to use to me :/

Most of the time I open Denaro to enter all the transactions I did the last few weeks. So I go through the transaction list in my banking application, and put them in Denaro. The annoying thing is, when I select a date in the calendar, it shows all the transactions made that specific day. In my case it's empty, because I didn't enter them since I'm just about to do it. When I click on the "New" button to create a new transaction, the default behaviour of the modal is to pick the current - today - date, and not the one that is displayed in the main pane right above the button.

With the current system, you can either forget to set a date - because you already selected a date a few seconds ago - and even if you do you can still forget to set the accurate month, which makes many different ways of not inputing the right information.

I find this behavior pretty unintuitive ; I think that picking a date and clicking on the button to create a new transaction to create that new transaction at the currently selected date is more straightforward. It would also be way more convenient to enter a lot of information for one specific date, since you wouldn't have to enter the date many times, only once.

I'm quite surprised this wasn't reported by anyone, maybe someone did and I didn't find the issue on github (?)

As always, thanks for the work, the app is good and fits perfectly in the GNOME desktop !

nlogozzo commented 4 months ago

When I click on the "New" button to create a new transaction, the default behaviour of the modal is to pick the current - today - date, and not the one that is displayed in the main pane right above the button.

This sounds like a pretty useful feature!

maybe someone did and I didn't find the issue on github (?)

nope, not me or anyone thought of this behavior πŸ˜…

Will add it in the C++ rewrite!

SpicyWasab commented 4 months ago

Always a fast answer x)

Will add it in the C++ rewrite! Thanks then !

(C++ rewrite ? you're not using your custom C# library anymore ?)

nlogozzo commented 4 months ago

(C++ rewrite ? you're not using your custom C# library anymore ?)

Yeah i've rewrote everything into C++ can track progress here: #784 .

Right now it's just backend stuff that's ported, hoping to finish that up today and start the UI.

SpicyWasab commented 4 months ago

Any specific reason to switch to C++ ? πŸ‘€ And are you going to port the other apps to ?

nlogozzo commented 4 months ago

Mainly speed...but also btter ecosystem on Linux with C/C++ as compared to C#

Less dependent on Microsoft πŸ˜…

nlogozzo commented 4 months ago

And yes the other apps will follow...

SpicyWasab commented 4 months ago

Alright, good luck then !