NiclO1337 / pp4-banana-palace

A website for a restaurant specializing in delicious recipes using bananas. Fourth portfolio project with Code Institute.
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[BUG] Visual bug fireworks #52

Open NiclO1337 opened 3 months ago

NiclO1337 commented 3 months ago

Describe the bug Fireworks flashing on wrong position.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Log into an account with discount.
  2. Go to fireworks page by click on the discount icon or text.
  3. See dots flashing in wrong position while fireworks animation is showing.

Expected behavior Fireworks only happening smooth in correct places and not as random flashes.

NiclO1337 commented 3 months ago

Same visual bug present in similar avalible css fireworks, seems to be better more comlicated options out there but it is not a priority at this stage in development.