NicoHood / HID

Bring enhanced HID functions to your Arduino!
MIT License
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#pragma message "Using default ASCII layout for keyboard modules" #403

Closed CasperHxR47 closed 1 year ago

CasperHxR47 commented 1 year ago

Hello all,

I can't figure this out. I keep getting these errors concerning something about keyboard type and the resulting message is 'using default layout', which sounds fine, but I'm unable to compile.

I've tried to install the latest HID-Project.h version using github and also through the Arduino IDE 2.0.3 Library Manager. In the screenshot below I've installed the latest version using github to download the zip file, and installed it by selecting 'sketch' > 'Include Library' > 'Add .Zip Library'.

At the top of my sketch I add:



include "HID-Project.h"

include "HID-Settings.h"

(I've also tried is as #include , but that doesn't seem to make a difference...)

However, I still get errors. Assistance would be greatly appreciated!


NicoHood commented 1 year ago

This is not an error, this is an informative message.