NicoHood / Nintendo

Use Nintendo Controllers with Arduino
MIT License
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Write Multiple GC Consoles #21

Closed 3lacksky closed 5 years ago

3lacksky commented 5 years ago

I have a problem reading 2 Controllers and write this data to 2 ports of the Console. If i read 2 Controllers and just write one of the two, it works, but writing 2 just does nothing, hope you can help.

include "Nintendo.h"

CGamecubeController GamecubeController1(4); CGamecubeController GamecubeController2(7); CGamecubeConsole GamecubeConsole1(6); CGamecubeConsole GamecubeConsole2(5); void setup() { }

void loop() {;; GamecubeConsole1.write(GamecubeController1); GamecubeConsole2.write(GamecubeController2); }

NicoHood commented 5 years ago

It is possibly a timing issue and cannot be solved with an arduino. Its too slow.

3lacksky commented 5 years ago

Ok, thank you, I will try out more and maybe it will work somehow :)

NicoHood commented 5 years ago

Let me know, if you have any solution. good luck :-)