NicoHood / Nintendo

Use Nintendo Controllers with Arduino
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Help with the setup using a TXS0108E Logic Level Converter #40

Closed vincentadamthefirst closed 3 years ago

vincentadamthefirst commented 3 years ago

I tried building the project using a TXS0108E logic level converter and hoped that it would work. I am using the provided GameCube Controller example sketch and replicated the setup as shown in the wiki (except for the logic level converter since it looks a bit different and doesn ot have any lines labeled as TX).

I quickly made the following image to show the basic setup (only with focus on the logic level shfiter since I do not think that the 3.3v / 5v / GND lines are the problem):


However, when running the code it only shows me "Error reading Gamecube controller". Does this logic level shifter not suffice?

Skuzee commented 3 years ago

Looking at the data sheet I think you might need to do something with the OE output enable pin? I think it's active high, so it should be pulled high to enable. You could use another arduino pin, or maybe just hardwire it.

The manual also says:

"When the output-enable(OE) input is low, all outputs are placed in the high-impedance(Hi-Z)state. To ensure the Hi-Z state during power-up or power-down periods, tie OE to GND through a pull-down resistor.The minimum value of the resistor is determined by the current-sourcing capability of the driver."

I don't think it's required to pull-down OE on startup, but I assume it's to avoid transmitting garbage. So it would be safety to pull it down with a resistor and then pull it high with an arduino pin.

You mentioned that you only focused on the LLC wiring, but I'm gonna say, make sure the controller shares 3.3v and ground. Ideally you would use the 3.3v from the wii console for the VA and it would be isolated from the arduino.

vincentadamthefirst commented 3 years ago

I tried what @Skuzee suggested by using another 1k resistor and pulling the OE to GND using a jumper cable. After powering the Arduino I plugged the jumper cable to 3.3V (also tried 5V) but it did not work.

As for the wiring, I currently only want to read the input of a GC controller. I use the 3.3V of the arduino to power VA.