NicoNekoDev / AstralBooks

Github repository of CitizensBooks.
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I'm so sorry ;_; [Bug] #34

Closed zaccieslak closed 4 years ago

zaccieslak commented 4 years ago

So books aren't opening with the initial stage of a quest - whether it's the "Initial Action" or "Stage 1" - I'm setting the "/npcbook forceopen "filter name" " command to Quest Actions, and it works when they start a new stage, but for some reason on the initial or Stage 1, they automatically close. I can see for a split second that they open, but then they get closed right away. Is there a way to make it so that npcbooks stay open when accepting a quest?

NicoNekoDev commented 4 years ago

Try this version instead: Be aware that its gonna generate a new config, and you have to copy-paste everything from the old config. This is the latest version I've worked today, and contains bug-fixes. I'm hopping it's fixing your bug too. I've had to test everything now for what happened lately. ;-;

zaccieslak commented 4 years ago

okay you rock!!

zaccieslak commented 4 years ago

Well, the initial stage and Stage 1 book openings don't work with the update - On Paper, 1.14.4 -

They auto-close for some reason on the first stage of a Quest.

NicoNekoDev commented 4 years ago

Can you send a video/gif with this happening? Also I need one that does not have the book set. Might be Quest fault here.

zaccieslak commented 4 years ago

actually, this update caused NPC's to be unable to "/npcbook forceopen "filter name" "player".

It was working in the 2.5.3 you sent, but 2.5.4 doesn't allow books to be opened anymore through stages

NicoNekoDev commented 4 years ago

Ok, in the actions.yml in quests, you can have "open-book: [filter name]" Example:

    message: "<green>Here you go!"
      - name-fishing_rod:amount-1
    open-book: "hello_world"

This will open the filter book given. I guess this is what you wanted from the start. Quests already had support for my plugin, but I forgot how it worked.

zaccieslak commented 4 years ago

oh forreal?? dude that's awesome

zaccieslak commented 4 years ago

so I just need to access the actions.yml - not make an action that performs the /npcbook forceopen "filter" "player"

NicoNekoDev commented 4 years ago

exactly. well the command it's still good for the plugins that do not have support for CitizensBooks.

NicoNekoDev commented 4 years ago

Well if its all fixed, you can close the issue.😁 If not, leave a replay. Tomorrow mornin' i'm gonna release the latest version, fully unbugged I hope. xD

zaccieslak commented 4 years ago

Does it need to have quotations around it? I've tried with and without quotations and still doesn't work.

^ Edit: It works - but just not on the initial stage/stage 1 again

NicoNekoDev commented 4 years ago

Can you give me the config.yml and actions.yml from quests so I can test them?

zaccieslak commented 4 years ago

If you want I'll give you OP on my server - It's still being developed and will be for a couple more months, or I can just shoot you the .yml's

NicoNekoDev commented 4 years ago

Send them via discord: nicuch.neko#4012

NicoNekoDev commented 4 years ago

Old, probably fixed