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Paper Read - Universal Domain Adaptation through Self Supervision #32

Open NicolaBernini opened 4 years ago

NicolaBernini commented 4 years ago


Universal Domain Adaptation through Self Supervision



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NicolaBernini commented 4 years ago

Universal Domain Adaptation through Self Supervision

Universal Domain Adaptation through Self Supervision



The underlying assumption for the NN to work well in practice is $P(X{training})$ is very similar to $P(X{test})$ so that both the training and test instances are taken from the same distribution Otherwise we are dealing with a domain adaptation problem as the Training Domain has changed with respect to the Test Domain Let's use the $\tilde P()$ to identify a changed distribution

Types of Domain Adaptation

Axis 1 : One step vs Multi steps

Axis 2 : Divergence Type

There can be 2 types of divergences

  1. data distribution only which is called homoegeneous domain adaptation

    • so $\tilde P(X)$ but the dimensionality is preserved so $D(X)$ is the same
  2. involving dimensionality which is called heterogeneous domain adaptation

    • there is a change in the dimensionality $\tilde D(X)$ which also reflects into the data distribution $\tilde P(X)$


Deep Domain Adaptation In Computer Vision