NicolasBn / PSGPOTools

Module for interact with ADMX and ADML files.
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Find the best representation of option parameter #4

Open NicolasBn opened 4 years ago

NicolasBn commented 4 years ago

In parameter of GPO, you have options like this : image

In ADMX, for match the presentation, there are the champ presentation, like that :

<policy name="EngagedRestartTransitionSchedule"

In ADML, you have the texts :

<presentation id="EngagedRestartTransitionSchedule_Title">
        <text>Transition : Specify the timing before transitioning from Auto-restart to Engaged restart (pending user schedule).</text>
        <text>Snooze : Specify snooze for Engaged restart reminder notifications.</text>
        <text>Deadline : Specify the deadline before a pending restart will automatically be executed outside of active hours.</text>
        <text>For Quality Updates : </text>
        <dropdownList refId="EngagedRestartTransitionSchedule" noSort="true" defaultItem="7">Transition (days) : </dropdownList>
        <dropdownList refId="EngagedRestartSnoozeSchedule" noSort="true" defaultItem="2">Snooze (days) :     </dropdownList>
        <dropdownList refId="EngagedRestartDeadline" noSort="true" defaultItem="0">Deadline (days) :  </dropdownList>
        <text>For Feature Updates : </text>
        <dropdownList refId="EngagedRestartTransitionScheduleForFeatureUpdates" noSort="true" defaultItem="7">Transition (days) : </dropdownList>
        <dropdownList refId="EngagedRestartSnoozeScheduleForFeatureUpdates" noSort="true" defaultItem="2">Snooze (days) :     </dropdownList>
        <dropdownList refId="EngagedRestartDeadlineForFeatureUpdates" noSort="true" defaultItem="0">Deadline (days) :  </dropdownList>

How present this in PowerShell consol ?

NicolasBn commented 4 years ago

The way : Create a custom format file, like than help format.