NicolasConstant / BirdsiteLive

An ethical bridge from Twitter
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Purge failing followers/instances #128

Closed nielspeen closed 2 years ago

nielspeen commented 2 years ago

Is there a way to automatically purge (followers on) instances that are down for a longer period (likely just gone for good)?

When a follower reaches 32767 posting failures this starts to cause postgres errors as a smallint is used for this field. I currently remove such followers using the BSL Manager, but I would prefer it to be automatic.

NicolasConstant commented 2 years ago

Yes I have to enhance all this, with BSLManager itself that isn't great the way it's done right now, and also provide some options for auto-cleaning in the settings.

Thanks for contributing to BSL!

NicolasConstant commented 2 years ago

fixed in 0.20.0!