NicolasConstant / BirdsiteLive

An ethical bridge from Twitter
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Please set User-Agent header when making requests to ActivityPub servers #188

Open thefinn93 opened 1 year ago

thefinn93 commented 1 year ago

I was looking at my access logs and I noticed a lot of traffic to the /inbox endpoint with no user agent. It appears to be coming from an instance of BirtsiteLive. I'm not super familiar with C# but it looks like lack of user agent is not something specific to that instance. Would you mind setting an informational user agent? For reference, this is what Mastodon's user agent looks like when making requests to other ActivityPub servers:

http.rb/5.1.1 (Mastodon/4.1.0rc1; +

The exact format isn't as important as the information included: name and version of the software making the request, and the domain that the instance is running on.
