NicolasPetton / Projectify

Project management for TiddlyWiki
MIT License
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Due date assignment wrong #21

Closed ludwa6 closed 3 years ago

ludwa6 commented 3 years ago

As described in this TW Users group thread, having just yesterday installed Projectify v0.9 and scheduled my first couple of ToDo items using the "Tomorrow" button, i was surprised this morning (i.e. "tomorrow" :-) to find that these two ToDos were red-flagged as 42 days overdue... And even more surprised after a couple hours work on other tiddlers (nothing related to these two, nor to the system) to find that they are now flagged as just 21 hours overdue, and with due-date of 20210110120000000 (closer, but is still wrong -even earlier than the create date on the tiddlers).

NicolasPetton commented 3 years ago

Thanks fo reporting this @ludwa6.

If you set them for today, then the due date of 20210110120000000 is expected (The date is set on the day, with the time set to 12:00). They should be marked in the UI as "Today" though, not overdue.

Can you tell me which timezone you're in?

I'm quite concerned by the 42 days shift. Did it disappear without you changing their due date?

ludwa6 commented 3 years ago

I'm in Portugal (WET -same as GMT now), and this is is the 11th of January (2021.01.11), so that datetimestamp set yesterday for "Tomorrow" should have had a 1 for its 8th digit, not a 0.

And to your other Q: yes, the "42 days overdue" warning changed to "21 hours overdue" without my changing anything related to these tiddlers. Of course one can only thing i did something to trigger such a change -and i was indeed working in TW during the interval- but i'm quite sure i changed nothing on these two tiddlers.

NicolasPetton commented 3 years ago

@ludwa6 thanks for the infos.

If you set a due date to tomorrow again, does it appear to work? What about after reloading the browser tab?

ludwa6 commented 3 years ago

OK @NicolasPetton i reset the due date, using "Tomorrow" button, and now it shows 20210112120000000 -even after save and reload of TiddlyDesktop.

So: this issue may have been ephemeral, but i'm gonna lean into Projectify the next few hours, and we'll see if this problem reappears, before calling this issue closed.

NicolasPetton commented 3 years ago

So: this issue may have been ephemeral, but i'm gonna lean into Projectify the next few hours, and we'll see if this problem reappears, before calling this issue closed.

I found out what the problem was, it's a bug in the calendar picker with the keyboard navigation. I'll push a fix and will release a new version tonight!