Nicsilver / Jumper

Plugin for jetbrains ides, allows your text cursor, to "jump" several lines with one keybind.
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Support for 2023.1 #2

Closed Josh-Piper closed 1 year ago

Josh-Piper commented 1 year ago

Would love if this plugin supported 2023.* versions of Webstorm/JetBrains

I tried doing the upgrade myself but couldn't manage to support previous versions of Java (not a Java dev myself). So the below may or may not be useful. It did work for supporting 2023.1 though.

CleanShot 2023-03-29 at 12 08 29@2x
Nicsilver commented 1 year ago

Hey man thanks for this, I'll take a look at this prolly tomorrow or the weekend!

Nicsilver commented 1 year ago

So I took a look and jetrbains reports that Webstorm 2020.2 - 2022.3.4 is supported, I see I made a typo in my patch notes saying it supports 2020 which is wrong.

I personally use IntelliJ Ultimate 2023.3.3 as my daily driver IDE and it works for that, which IDE version do you use? image

Josh-Piper commented 1 year ago

Can confirm the plugin supported up to 2022.3. Was using it all last year!

But the new release 2023.1 came out a couple days ago, hence the breaking change. :)

Nicsilver commented 1 year ago

Ahh right my bad I read it as 2022.1 for some reason my bad 😅

Nicsilver commented 1 year ago

Alright the new version is up on the plugin marketplace , ty for the help Joshua :)