Nicxx2 / fireflyiii-quickstart

Quick-start Docker setup for Firefly III with automated configurations.(+Raspberry Pi 5)
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Firefly III Version For Data Importer #1

Open heisarzola opened 1 month ago

heisarzola commented 1 month ago


First of all I just wanted to thank you for the effort of putting this together, I wanted to start using this on a raspi myself and kept encountering all sorts of hiccups that I could ultimately fix by stumbling upon this repo through Reddit.

I just wanted to share this issue that I found after finishing the setup, it's not really a dealbreaker or anything, but wanted to ask if this is something you also encountered when accessing the Data Importer app:


Going to guess that this is probably an issue about this repo being stuck to a specific version of Firefly, while as per the docker compose, data importer uses the "version uncapped" release on the official repo. Which version of data importer do you think should be used for the current release of this repo?

Nicxx2 commented 1 month ago


Thank you for the feedback and I am glad this project helped you to quickly deploy Fireflyiii.

I checked and the version I used for the data-importer, when I was testing this, it was v1.4.5.

Thank you for sharing the error with me, I will adjust the docker-compose and change it to this version. (A quick fix for now).

So this is the one that should be used: fireflyiii/data-importer:version-1.4.5


heisarzola commented 1 month ago

Thank you. I wanted to share that it worked... for a little bit.

After I started getting into the weeds of the application, basically to the point where I started trying to do automations and connecting unofficial mobile apps like Abacus and Waterfly, I kept getting timestamp errors:


(You'll see some errors regarding "epoch", an unreadable timestamp, if you open the mobile apps.)

Sadly, as far as I could understand, this had to do mainly with compatibility issues with the hardware, and the most common solution I could find was to basically install on different hardware... which I ended up doing.

I'm fortunate that the NAS that I have is compatible with the official Firefly III releases, and got that version up and running in the end. And so far I've had no hiccups on the apps or logs.

Just wanted to let you know about this issue so you can decide how/if you want to deal with it.