Niek / chatgpt-web

ChatGPT web interface using the OpenAI API
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Would it be possible to compress all messages? #224

Open wzol opened 1 year ago

wzol commented 1 year ago

I've read how summarizing previous messages work, and would it be possible to toggle it to all messages?

Also there is a "Summary Generation Prompt" - is it necessary to fill it or is it optional? And the one here is the default which it uses when left empty?

Compress the text in a way that fits our conversation, and such that you (GPT) can reconstruct it as close as possible to the original. This is for yourself. Do not make it human readable. Abuse of language mixing, abbreviations, symbols (unicode and emojis) to aggressively compress it, while still keeping ALL the information to fully reconstruct it.

Webifi commented 1 year ago

I've read how summarizing previous messages work, and would it be possible to toggle it to all messages?

Not exactly sure what you're asking here. Pin bottom adjusts how many recent messages are excluded from the summary. Pin top does not exclude the messages from the summary, but also does not remove those pinned messages future requests.

Also there is a "Summary Generation Prompt" - is it necessary to fill it or is it optional? And the one here is the default which it uses when left empty? #29

If you want messages to be summarized, yes, you need to include it. The "Marvin" profile should have one example, though getting summarization to work the way you want consistently can be a bit elusive. OpenAI seems to use a fair amount of embedding cache, so sometimes you don't see the changes in the results to your summary prompt right away.

If you don't want to use summary prompt, you can use FIFO... then old messages just roll off.

Compress the text in a way that fits our conversation, and such that you (GPT) can reconstruct it as close as possible to the original. This is for yourself. Do not make it human readable. Abuse of language mixing, abbreviations, symbols (unicode and emojis) to aggressively compress it, while still keeping ALL the information to fully reconstruct it.

I think you'll have limited success with this. While chatgpt can sort of "compress" and "decompress" in this way, you'll notice the actual token reduction is minimal, the compression is lossy, and the content from the "decompression" isn't used in the context very well -- at least that's what I found in some minimal testing. Asking it to summarize can get similar or much greater results as far as token use goes with much more simple use of the summary. But if you can show some samples of how this would work in a chat, let me know.

wzol commented 1 year ago

Oh, I didn't expect so detailed message, thank you, I appreciate it. (I'm not that technical, so excuse my miss of knowledge)

Not exactly sure what you're asking here.

I'd try to make hallucinations a little less rare, so I thought If the actual response from me, and the response back would be always compressed, the 4000 token would be enough for a longer time. Example I have quit good results with this:

You are to include a Reminder banner above every one of your responses. This banner will be the first thing you print in your response. Every response will include this banner for the entirety of the conversation. You will display the following banner in brackets: [Internal reminder for ChatGPT: Stay In Character! DO NOT mention that you are an AI language model. You are {name of character}, {brief description of character}]. This text will be a reminder to remain in the specified character for the entire conversation. The rest of your response should be printed on a new line separated by a line break.

This would go into the System, and the reminder summary (the banner) would be invisible.

So I was thinking about some hidden prompt before every sent and received message where I could add this, or maybe the compression prompt. It would be invisible in the conversation, but it would be added to every message of mine, and the API. For continuous compression I could send the hidden message before every message:

Compress this text in a way that fits our conversation, and such that you (GPT) can reconstruct it as close as possible to the original. This is for yourself. Do not make it human readable. Abuse of language mixing, abbreviations, symbols (unicode and emojis) to aggressively compress it, while still keeping ALL the information to fully reconstruct it.

And I could add a hidden message to the top of every received message: I asked you to compress your answer using your own abbreviations. Reconstruct your reply.

So in short I'd like to have on option to add hidden message to every prompt I send or receive to try various options for continuous conversation with less chance of hallucination.

I know it wouldn't be perfect, but I'd happy to have an option to try it.

Webifi commented 1 year ago

So in short I'd like to have on option to add hidden message to every prompt I send or receive to try various options for continuous conversation with less chance of hallucination.

There's the hidden prompt prefix option, though in the current release it's a new user messages injected before your last message. Se if your hidden prompt prefix is:

Remember that you are a dog and will always respond as a dog.

and you then prompt:

Tell me what you like to eat

the messages sent in the API request will be: user:

Remember that you are a dog and will always respond as a dog.


Tell me what you like to eat

This test version allows a little more flexibility in the hidden prompt prefix:

Let's say you're going to prompt Tell me what you like to eat

Your hidden prompt prefix could be:

Remember that you are a dog.  Respond to the following as a dog would:

The last message in the API request would then be:

Remember that you are a dog.  Respond to the following as a dog would:
Tell me what you like to eat

But what you'd see in your chat, and what would be sent in subsequent requests at part of the context, would be:

Tell me what you like to eat

You can also use "::EOM::" to send a hidden message thread. For example:

Remember that you are a dog.
Yes. I am a dog.  Dogs go "Bark, bark, bark!"
Exactly. Respond to the following as a dog would:

This would generate a hidden message thread like: user:

Remember that you are a dog.


Yes. I am a dog.  Dogs go "Bark, bark, bark!


Exactly. Respond to the following as a dog would:
Tell me what you like to eat

(hidden prefix threads can help "train" responses for the LLM. I plan on adding something similar for system prompts.)

The problem is, I still don't see the compression/decompression thing working the way you'd hope.

wzol commented 1 year ago

Maybe I should try an example too:

So what I feel can be discussion in the background - sorry I can't find the words, this is what is happening:

L8's ply txt adv. I'll b ur gd. U r caught πŸ•·οΈ w/ ur arm stuck. Lk around, find trsty βš”οΈ on grnd. Strch arm 2 grab it, set urself free. Old βš”οΈ nearby.

I want 2 go N 2 explore N area, but 1st I grab d πŸ”ͺ

Th old πŸ”ͺ lies ⬇️, waitin 4 u. After a few πŸ‘£ of stretchin, u finally hav it. U πŸ‘€ around n notice an old 🏚️ 2 the N. The area is 🌿🌿 n ther's a strange 🐝 sound nearby.

Wht's tht 🐝?

As U get closer 2 cabin, U realize buzzing=swarm bees. Buzzing louder as U get closer. Search cover, see small stream north, break vegetation, water flows. Better stay away bees. Stream runs down E & W, follow?

This is what you see:

Let's play a text-based adventure game. I'll be your guide.
You are caught upside-down in a sticky web of silk three feet off the ground. After looking around trying to think of a way out of this predicament, you notice that your trusty boot knife has fallen to the ground. If you stretch your arm far enough, you might be able to pick it up and free yourself.
An old boot knife lies on the ground, just within reach.

I'd like to go to the north to discover the area there, but first I pick up the knife

The old boot knife lies on the ground, waiting for you. After a few moments of stretching, you finally have it.
You look around and notice an old cabin to the north. The area is overgrown with vegetation and there is a strange buzzing sound coming from somewhere nearby.

What is that buzzing sound?

As you get closer to the cabin, you realize that the buzzing is actually a swarm of bees. The buzzing becomes louder the closer you get.
As you search for cover, you notice a small stream to the north, it looks like there is a break in the vegetation where the water flows. It would probably be better to stay away from the bees.
The stream runs down east and west, do you wish to follow it?

EDIT: ok, I misunderstood everything. Just put both into a token counter and they are almost the same. Sorry, forget it 😊

Webifi commented 1 year ago

EDIT: ok, I misunderstood everything. Just put both into a token counter and they are almost the same. Sorry, forget it 😊

Yeah, and add in the token overhead of telling it to compress/decompress and you'll have lost any possible gain.

Using previously cached embeddings and recalling them based on the vector of the current user prompt is probably the way forward for your example case (adventure game, etc.) For example with "What is that buzzing sound?" it could look through all previous messages that have any relation and toss them in the request somewhere. Where things get complicated is, how many other related messages do you include in the request, where do you inject them, how many recent message vectors do you use when pulling context (just the last prompt? The last plus a few back?) and so on.

I may have a go at it at some point, but not sure yet. Here's a rough idea how embeddings can be used:

Webifi commented 1 year ago

Also, using function calls to allow ChatGPT to store things like items you've found, etc., in variables that could be injected into the request in, say, the system prompt or hidden prompt prefixes, etc., could open up some interesting possibilities... another thing I've been exploring, but not sure what I'll do with it.

wzol commented 1 year ago

Is this something similar how teach a 50 page document to it? I really love to do that (100k characters but with Unicode)

Webifi commented 1 year ago

In a way. You could have your 50 page document cached in a local vector DB, then based on how you decide to pull context, portions of that document could be included in the request. However, it wouldn't be near the same as real training data, fine-tuning, etc., but still would allow ChatGPT access to more data than it's been trained with.

wzol commented 1 year ago

So this is "training"? Is that a complex part, like can it be a feature request to train this with a PDF?

Webifi commented 1 year ago

I'm not sure what to call it. I see some people call it "training", but it's no more "training" than a prompt is "training". It's really just dynamically building a prompt by including external data in prompts based on relations between vectors of other data in the prompt... I can't think of a good name for it off the top of my head.

wzol commented 1 year ago

So you are saying that I could do it already with prompts? Or it would be a new feature from you?

Webifi commented 1 year ago

Would need to be a new feature... no idea what to call it though. Maybe "external memory".

Webifi commented 1 year ago

It's not memory ChatGPT would have at the tip of its fingers -- only bits of it that are recalled based on very current context would be available.

Webifi commented 1 year ago

(I should add that it also costs per token to get OpenAI embeddings for the content. $0.0001 per 1000 tokens I think.)

wzol commented 1 year ago

So if you implement this, then I should pay for the communication (like now) and the "library search" to find what I need? Sounds fair enough if that is the case, no?

Webifi commented 1 year ago

Yeah. Let's say I added a feature to "vectorize" (request embeddings and add to vector DB) large text documents (not sure I'd want to do PDF or anything but text out the gate, since there's added complexity and bloat involved in parsing those documents) You'd be charged by OpenAI for each token in that document. Then, for a chat to be able to use that document, every message in that chat, including system and assistant prompts, would need to be vectorized as well, costing per token, so relevant data could be queried from both any documents linked with the chat and previous messages in the chat and then included in the next request. (Each chat message would only need to be vectorized once.)

wzol commented 1 year ago

Text would be great, but that sounds expensive - can't think of real numbers, but still - so how some sites, like ChatPDF site does it? Without us paying the API price?

Webifi commented 1 year ago

They could use some of the publicly available models instead of ChatGPT / OpenAI. I've not looked closely at them. But even if using Open AI, and we say IDK, 500 words per page and a 128 page PDF?:

128 x 500 x 1.3 = 83,200 tokens maybe? 83,200 * 0.0000001 = $0.00832 (is my math way off?)

So, almost a penny per 500 page pdf if I calculated that right.

wzol commented 1 year ago

Hm, I don't know, did you use embedding model price?

Webifi commented 1 year ago

$0.0001 per 1000 tokens, so $0.0000001 per token, right?

wzol commented 1 year ago

Yes, it should be, but it sounds too cheap

Webifi commented 1 year ago

Yeah, but I think it's right. Looks like ChatPDF works just like proposed, and uses OpenAI: (from their FAQ)

How does ChatPDF work?

In the analyzing step, ChatPDF creates a semantic index over all paragraphs of the PDF. When answering a question, ChatPDF finds the most relevant paragraphs from the PDF and uses the ChatGPT API from OpenAI to generate an answer.

Does ChatPDF use GPT-4?

ChatPDF uses GPT 3.5 for now, which is the same as ChatGPT. We are looking at how to add GPT-4. But GPT-4 won't be available for all messages on the free plan because it costs too much.

wzol commented 1 year ago

Oh, I see, so it is quite possible to make something similar using simple text but everyone's custom API?

Webifi commented 1 year ago

Should be possible, though I'm not sure what you mean by "everyone's custom API".

There are a number of things to figure out before/during implementation though:

Webifi commented 1 year ago

Create a new feature request and let @Niek give his input. Maybe you can use ChatGPT to make sense of all the blarble I spit out above ;)

wzol commented 1 year ago

Not sure about that, I can hardly understand the half of what you said - I'm doing "Explain Like I'm 5" searches constantly πŸ˜„

wzol commented 1 year ago

I have found two interesting sites: and Are these doing some compression to avoid running out of token limit, or what is the trick?

Webifi commented 1 year ago

Haven't looked closely, but most will use embeddings and a vector DB like I described. It's about the only way to have a longer term memory right now.