Niek / chatgpt-web

ChatGPT web interface using the OpenAI API
GNU General Public License v3.0
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4096 token limit #29

Open LifeNT opened 1 year ago

LifeNT commented 1 year ago

now we meet 4096 token limit, maybe we can drop the oldest message when its get the limit?

Niek commented 1 year ago

There are some approaches to work around the token limit:

Not sure what is the best option for now.

phlita commented 1 year ago

We can add a button for continuous conversation, which, when turned off, will not send the context and only send the current conversation separately.

phlita commented 1 year ago

How does chatPDF handle tens of thousands of words of content at once?

PrimalOutshoot commented 1 year ago

How does chatPDF handle tens of thousands of words of content at once?

I don't know what chatPDF is but I thought I would chime in. If you mean (OpenAI Chat), it seems to allow continuous conversation in a single chat, but when you hit the token limit it forgets and continues on as if you had not spoken, sometimes if you write a long prompt, it will only respond to half the prompt, as you can hit the token limit in a single prompt. This creates the illusion of a continuous conversation but comes at the expense of being unclear where token limit ended and began.

We can add a button for continuous conversation, which, when turned off, will not send the context and only send the current conversation separately.

A button for continuous conversation that can be toggled would be interesting. Or a button that toggles continuous chat and/or prompt to toggle which "Summarizes the conversation in a new API call, use this as input for future messages" would be a powerful combination. This is currently what I do manually. When I hit the 4096 token limit I take the main points and summarize it, then go to new chat and paste the previous chat's summarized content into the new chat, followed by my next prompt. This is very cumbersome. A way to automate this process while staying inside a single chat would be nice - without having to make multiple new chats when token limit is reached. To just start over, something that can be toggled on and off.

teun95 commented 1 year ago

@chaoyuyan as already explained above, it doesn't. Instead it uses embeddings and respond to your questions in two steps. First it gathers the information from the PDF that is related to your question, then it sends these shorter sections along with your question to the ChatGPT API. This doesn't work perfectly, but it's a very useful trick. It's not up to me, but imlementing something like this at the moment seems way out of scope. It makes more sense to build something like this as a separate tool or look at other tools that can be integrated into chatgpt-web. Like jerryjliu/llama_index for example.

I propose two simpler alternative solutions:

  1. Simply grey out the individual chat messages that don't fit within the token limit anymore. In a long conversation this means that the first chat messages will start to grey out once you pass 4096 tokens.
  2. Similar to 1, but add checkboxes to the chat messagages that are included in the api call when the send button is pressed. This gives the user the option to choose which chat messages to exclude once they have hit the token limit. For example, the last few chat messages might be a better choice to exclude than the first few chat messages like in the chatgpt interface.
Niek commented 1 year ago

There is a interesting compression approach described here:

PrimalOutshoot commented 1 year ago

There is a interesting compression approach described here:

I just tried this compression approach today, GPT 4 is able to condense with unicode, GPT 3.5 is able to condense, but not in the same way. GPT 3.5 can read whatever unicode shorthand GPT 4 condenses. But there have been unfortunate side effects and I am not sure if it is because in his prompt he referred to a text, for a tweet, but my prompts weren't the same.

Prompt: Compress the text in a way that fits our conversation, and such that you (GPT) can reconstruct it as close as possible to the original. This is for yourself. Do not make it human readable. Abuse of language mixing, abbreviations, symbols (unicode and emojis) to aggressively compress it, while still keeping ALL the information to fully reconstruct it.

"I want you to act as a personal writing assistant. As my writing assistant, you'll be here to help me brainstorm ideas, outline me writing, create synopses, provide feedback on my drafts, and assist with any other writing-related tasks I may need help with. Together, we can work to improve my writing skills and help me achieve my writing goals."

Response: IWU2actPWA.Ideabr:storm,OutL📝,CreaSynops,🔙draft,Assist📝Tasks.2gthr:⬆️skills&✅goals. This message was generated on gpt-4-0314 using 202 tokens ~= $0.007530

New Chat:

I asked you compress a long text using your own abbreviations. You replied with:


Reconstruct the original text.

Response GPT 3.5: "I want you to actively participate with me in the process of writing a book. The first step is brainstorming ideas, then creating a synopsis. After that, we can go back to drafting and I can assist with any writing tasks. Together, we can improve our skills and achieve our goals."

Prompt: Try again.

Response GPT 4: I want us to actively participate in working on a project together. The idea is to brainstorm, outline the plan, create a synopsis, go back and revise drafts, and assist each other with writing tasks. By working together, we can enhance our skills and accomplish our goals.

That was great! As it retained details, but it changed enough that I wondered how it would do with a larger text with multiple paragraphs. I went and took a larger text and asked it to to condense it. It condensed it, but did not reconstruct as it was, it reconstructed a condensed version of the text as it understood the text. In another version, In a scene from a novel it did the same thing, but misinterpreted quite a bit of details. I also tried to get it to condense an entire chat for reconstruction, and it did so, but did not retain details of the texts.

Gpt 4 (requesting to summarize chat) User: Text GPT: Here are 4 pages of the text. User: Remove and shorten it. GPT: Here's the shortened text. User: What's been removed and give me a list of why. GPT: Removed parts from lines 1-16 and the reasons have been searched. User: Show me the full removals and reasons why. GPT: All lines 1-16 have been removed and reasons why have been searched. User: Summarize and include all. GPT: User requested text, GPT provided 4 pages, User requested removal and shortening, GPT provided shortened text, User asked for removed parts list and reasons, GPT gave the list for lines 1-16, User requested full removals and reasons, GPT provided removals of lines 1-16 with reasons, User asked for summary and all conversation included.

(original text)

Prompt: I asked you compress a long text using your own abbreviations. You replied with: Frd L pst Estream💧turbine FB, shld buy? Swr wrd ⛔️& NO. 681👥KS $147,863/$80,000⚡️. Compar🔋>☀️🔥💨💧generators. Estream:$250, 1.8lb, 6,400mAh/4.5hr, bt OT Kodiak: $50 6,000mAh, 8.96oz, iPhone7⚡️3x. Outperformd & less costly L👥carried generators. 👍try bt contxt limt, efficienty <ads like solar n optimal☀️, no guarntee⚡️📱home. ⚡️💼Cheaper&lightr vs ☀️pnl& 🔋in E.g GeoZero Sh100 solar pnls bt now chris🔀⚡️💼4💪cnvenient 💲&⚖️. Vs portable grn enrgy, 💬Tom Pine “ounces-per-charge.”

Reconstruct the original text. Fred Lowenthal posted a picture of an Estream portable water turbine on Facebook and asked whether he should buy one. People swore it works well, but with all the negative comments and the fact that it's not available yet, he was momentarily discouraged. The company has raised $147,863 via Kickstarter against a goal of $80,000. Let's compare it to other battery life-extending options.

The Estream costs around $250, weighs 1.8 pounds (including the built-in battery) and can store up to 6,400mAh in four and a half hours. By contrast, the Outdoor Tech Kodiak: costs $50, weighs 8.96 ounces, has a 6,000mAh battery, and can charge an iPhone 7 roughly three times. It outperforms - and is less costly - and weighs less than some other portable chargers. It's worth trying out, but the context may be limited: the efficiency of turbines like this is lower than advertised, and they're not as good as solar panels in more sunny areas, so there's no guarantee that you'll get enough electricity from one to keep some devices charged up. There are lighter, cheaper alternatives like solar-powered backpacks, like the Goal Zero Sherpa 100 with solar panels are now being crossed with power packs for convenience in both cost and weight. Comparing different portable green energy options, Tom Pine said: "It's all about ounces-per-charge."

In spite of this, I can see value in this technique, but getting it to reconstruct the initial prompt is crucial. Maybe with some prompt tweaking and experimentation it could be improved. Right now it butchered the meaning of a long text I was working so badly that I don't think I would use it for anything where attention to detail is important. But I really love that this is a thing, what a clever hack!

Edit: I just realized something that has the potential to aid in prompt crafting and engineering. This technique has the ability to identify how GPT interprets prompts and to refine prompts so they achieve the desired goal. What a wonderful discovery, thank you Niek!

Niek commented 1 year ago

One thing to note is that the "compression" and "decompression" is a lot more consistent if you set the temperature to 0, meaning more deterministic and less random output. In any case, definitely interesting to see how we can use this technique to compress previous messages.

phlita commented 1 year ago

Bypassing OpenAI token restrictions using LangChain

Webifi commented 1 year ago

152 should take care of the truncate and summarization portion of this request. I didn't venture into the shorthand/compression bit for a few reasons: Event on GPT 4, it really didn't seem to perform much better than summarization, yet far more complicated. The "compression" wasn't exactly lossless, much like summarization, yet the strange shorthand and emojis still used a fair amount of tokens. Didn't work well at all on GPT 3.5. Wasn't as easily scalable as summarization for longer conversations.

I guess I'm not exactly sure how you all see the compression thing playing out in regards to keeping chat sessions going on indefinitely, but would like to know more about the implementation you envision.