NiekertDev / Discord-MCPE

Connect your PMMP server with Discord!
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Questions and idea's #18

Open NiekertDev opened 7 years ago

NiekertDev commented 7 years ago

Ask questions here, make sure to check if you're question isn't already answerred.

If you have an idea for the plugin, say it!

Little2Epic commented 7 years ago

Could you make an addon to this (in the degree of SAHelper, as in new plugin but helps the OG) that sends the client messages to discord? I figure that the actual owner would need a bot, and that they could communicate via a SQL table or PHP maybe? I'm not too sure how discord bots work with PHP, I only use C#.

Little2Epic commented 7 years ago

Better illustration now that I've actually thought about it.

The Owner puts the bot secret in the config.

The bot sends messages to Discord normally, just as the OG plugin did.

When a user from discord sends a message, it checks to see if the message is from the bot or a genuine person.

If the bot, it does nothing. If a user, then it copies the message, and sends it to console via RCON???

I dunno, I wish I had experience in this.

NiekertDev commented 7 years ago

Discord-MCPE 1.* is using webhooks. Its only one way around. To use it 2-way I need to use DiscordPHP.

If it ever comes, would you like "Add bot to server, get an token from the bot, put token in plugin config, done"


"Make bot account (complicated) get id, put in config, add to server, done"

Make your choice

NiekertDev commented 7 years ago

The second one will be easier to make, but I think an pain for normal users to set up

When using second one you can just broadcast an message with sort of [Discord] Niekert: Hello

Thunder33345 commented 7 years ago

i feel like it's better off somehow writing a plugin that connects to discord DIRECTLY not using proxy as DB etc

Little2Epic commented 7 years ago

While the first is easier, the second is def more productive. I could always write up a help file if anyone needed, and a plugin completely did something unrelated, yet similar. It was PiggyAuth, they has used a Mailing API and included a help file to walk the basic user thru. I found it quite helpful.

NiekertDev commented 7 years ago

@Thunder33345 I meant hosting one bot on X host, that uses some algorithm to make an token where the plugin sends to

NiekertDev commented 7 years ago

But as writing it now, no clue how to do it xd

NiekertDev commented 7 years ago

GN now, its 23:46 for me lol

Thunder33345 commented 7 years ago

i dont think it's a good idea to have to use a second host

NiekertDev commented 6 years ago

@ninjallywelyn It is, not at Poggit releases yet

ritokun commented 6 years ago

I want the function sent from Discord and displayed in Maincraft to be added! DiscordSRV mentioned in Bukkit or spigot

NiekertDev commented 6 years ago

It's complicated and bc I don't have time to do plugins anymore, I don't know if its ever going to happen

Aericio commented 6 years ago

You need to update config section for pureperms thing.

NiekertDev commented 6 years ago

@Aericio Done! :ok_hand: