NielZeeman / team-capacity-extension

Team Capacity VSTS Extension
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Hours from an inactive Iteration are contabilized #2

Closed eduardoguilarducci closed 6 years ago

eduardoguilarducci commented 6 years ago

When you have an inactive iteration (date of the end of this iteration is in the past), the capacity hours of a team member that was in that iteration still counting on panel. We expect that this hours do not be accounted in he capacity panel.

NielZeeman commented 6 years ago

Hi @eduardoguilarducci , Thank you for your comment. This is simply using the default team iteration as per the system. I'll see about changing it to look at actual "active" iterations, i.e what VSTS deems as active, but has an open or later end-date.

eduardoguilarducci commented 6 years ago

Hello, @NielZeeman, Thanks for your reply. I just tried to set the default team iteration to @CurrentIteration and did not solve. I tried to set other iterations too, but even so, the hours still counting. If you could change this, that will be very helpfull to manage and plan the team capacity over the time.

NielZeeman commented 6 years ago

Hi @eduardoguilarducci

Not sure I follow, but I think I have the idea. In VSTS, iterations with dates supersede these that do not. So it will use the last iteration that has/had dates as apposed to any without as the default iteration. As an interim work around, you can change the team's default iteration (instead of @currentiteration) to an iteration that does not have any capacities set (or an iteration without start/end date), and that would then ignore them.

eduardoguilarducci commented 6 years ago

Thank you @NielZeeman,

I added an iteration with no capacity at all, after the "last" iteration, set this as default iteration for the team, and the hours are not counting on the panel. For a temp is valid, but I think you should consider this scenario and make some changes to reflect that whitout this workaround.

Thank you again!

NielZeeman commented 6 years ago

I have published version v0.0.12 that ignores iterations with the end date in the past, if it is the current one

eduardoguilarducci commented 6 years ago

@NielZeeman thank you man!

I will test this tomorrow and let you know,
