NielsLeenheer / ThermalPrinterEncoder

Create a set of commands that can be send to any receipt printer that supports ESC/POS or StarPRNT
MIT License
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Print in mobile (tablet) #7

Open zeltos opened 3 months ago

zeltos commented 3 months ago

using laptop successfully completed print as expected, but when trying print via mobile (tablet/or smartphone) printer not fully print all page.

anyone have this issue?

bauermar commented 2 months ago

Yes same here, from mobile phone only some characters will be printed. Maybe a buffering problem?

NielsLeenheer commented 5 days ago

Sounds like a buffering issue with the communication issue between your app and the printer. Could indeed be buffering. The app is sending the data quicker than the printer can print it. That means the printer must store the data in its memory. If that memory is not large enough to store the whole page, it will ignore the rest once the buffer is full.

Not really an issue with this library as it just generates the data. The issue is probably with the library you are using to send the data. Out of curiosity, what library are you using and which transport method to printer (usb, serial, bluetooth, network)?