NielsRogge / Transformers-Tutorials

This repository contains demos I made with the Transformers library by HuggingFace.
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Train ViT image from scratch with custom private dataset #254

Open Alberto1404 opened 1 year ago

Alberto1404 commented 1 year ago

Hi, I have read your tutorials about ViT and finetuning on custom dataset, and based on one of your links this is the way to load the dataset. I was wondering if there is another way to use my custom dataset with uploading it anywhere, because it is private. If so, could you please provide a deep tutorial from how to prepare the dataset to train it, using ViT on custom dataset (without Roboflow or simmilar). The other tutorials here do not use custom dataset I am new at HuggingFace, I am managing to catch up soon. Any help is appreciated. Thank you

NielsRogge commented 1 year ago


To train ViT from scratch I'd recommend to check out the image classification script: as well as the image pre-training scripts: