NielsRogge / Transformers-Tutorials

This repository contains demos I made with the Transformers library by HuggingFace.
MIT License
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Save/load the model with additional backbone #268

Open gonebanana opened 1 year ago

gonebanana commented 1 year ago

Sorry maybe for a trivial issue, but I searched a lot in the net and Transformers tutorials and could not find a solution. The question refers to the notebook about LayoutLM (v1) with visual features:

What is the best way to save and upload fine-tuned model? I tried to use with '.pt' extension, but it seems there is a problem with configuration(dimensions) after uploading. I also tried to reimplement the same model as PretrainedModel, but I have different values while evaluating before saving and after uploading. Maybe you can help? And one other question: in this example do we train the whole network without any frozen layers?

Thank you!