NielsRogge / Transformers-Tutorials

This repository contains demos I made with the Transformers library by HuggingFace.
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Perform Relation Extraction by LayoutLMV2 instead of LayoutXLM #304

Open yang0369 opened 1 year ago

yang0369 commented 1 year ago

@NielsRogge Dear Author, really appreciate that you have created great notebooks to guide us on how to perform relation extraction task using XFUN dataset by LayoutXLM model.

With your notebook, I managed to run relation extraction successfully for FUNSD (in English Language) by LayoutXLM with the following metrics: evaluation metrics: {'eval_precision': 0.40963855421686746, 'eval_recall': 0.5037037037037037, 'eval_f1': 0.4518272425249169, 'eval_loss': 0.08972907066345215, 'eval_runtime': 3.3059, 'eval_samples_per_second': 16.637, 'epoch': 34.01}

I understood LayoutXLM is built on top of LayoutLMV2. For English dataset like FUNSD, I feel like experimenting with LayoutLMV2 instead of LayoutXLM. Thus I have made three changes in total to change it to LayoutLMV2:

  1. model = LayoutLMv2ForRelationExtraction.from_pretrained("microsoft/layoutlmv2-base-uncased")
  2. tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("microsoft/layoutlmv2-base-uncased")
  3. In addition, in the (I have modified it to load FUNSD instead of XFUN), I changed the tokenizer from "xlm-roberta-base" to "bert-base-uncased" for loading FUNSD dataset

However, the evaluation metrics is always 0 (precision, recall and f1 all equal to 0) no matter how many epochs I have run the finetuning. Therefore, I would like to consult you if I have missed any steps to convert from LayoutXLM to LayoutLMV2? Thank you!

yang0369 commented 1 year ago

Updates: I managed to get some evaluation metrics after doubling the No. of Epochs.

evaluation metrics: {'eval_precision': 0.2516422435573522, 'eval_recall': 0.6058394160583942, 'eval_f1': 0.3555872902534809, 'eval_loss': 0.27880820631980896, 'eval_runtime': 3.1782, 'eval_samples_per_second': 16.361, 'epoch': 68.49}

Though the f1 score is still quite low, at least it proves that my LayoutLMV2 is working with RE head, I shall try with more Epochs to boost the f1 score. Notice that LayoutLMV2 requires more No. of epochs to reach to similar f1 score as LayoutXLM. I guess LayoutXLM converges faster than LayoutLMv2 regarding English dataset, not quite sure why, but just post this as a reference to the ppl who are exploring with Relation Extraction task. Cheers.