NielsRogge / tapas_utils

A package containing utils for the PyTorch version of the Tapas algorithm.
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Questions about using this codes #3

Closed HamLaertes closed 3 years ago

HamLaertes commented 3 years ago

Hi, I am looking for a pytorch-version of tapas. I notice that in this respository, the implementation of segement_tensor had completed as well as the top Tapas Model. But in the file, the code from .modeling_bert import BertLayerNorm, BertPreTrainedModel, BertEncoder, BertPooler, BertOnlyMLMHead seems to import some files not in this respository. And there is no train codes or other codes about using the completed tapas model. Could you please release more codes about training/predicting using the tapas-model and the codes needed to construct tapas-model? I would appreciate it very much.

NielsRogge commented 3 years ago

Hi there,

this repository does not contain the PyTorch version of Tapas. The current version of my implementation is here - I have 3 notebooks which you can run.

The model will be added to the Transformers library, this is still WIP.