NightFury13 / BeHeard

Community sourced grievances portal.
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Sample email messages to the complainant #32

Open drdhaval2785 opened 9 years ago

drdhaval2785 commented 9 years ago
When complainant lodges a complaint and assigns the officer himself

Dear NAME, We have received your complaint 'TITLE'. This complaint is assigned to 'EMPLOYEE' (if the user chose to assign himself). His Office address is OFFICEADRESS. His contact number is CONTACTNUMBER. His email id is EMAILID. You may contact you for further action or information regarding your complaint, if you wish.

Thanking you,

BeHeard Team

drdhaval2785 commented 9 years ago
When complainant lodges a complaint and doesn't assign the officer

Dear NAME, We have received your complaint 'TITLE'. This complaint will be assigned to appropriate officer and you will be kept informed about it.

Thanking you,

BeHeard Team

drdhaval2785 commented 9 years ago
When complaint is transferred from one officer to another

Dear NAME, We have received your complaint 'TITLE'. This complaint is transferred to 'EMPLOYEE'. (employee to whom the complaint is transferred) His Office address is OFFICEADRESS. His contact number is CONTACTNUMBER. His email id is EMAILID. You may contact you for further action or information regarding your complaint, if you wish.

Thanking you,

Employee designation (who transferred the complaint)

drdhaval2785 commented 9 years ago
When complaint is closed by Government Employee

Dear NAME, We have closed your complaint 'TITLE'. This complaint was closed by 'EMPLOYEE'. (employee who closed the complaint) His Office address is OFFICEADRESS. His contact number is CONTACTNUMBER. His email id is EMAILID. You may contact you for further clarification regarding your complaint, if you wish.

If you like to give us some feedback regarding the quality of grievance redressal, you may do so here (Give link to one webpage for taking user feedback. see #7).

Thanking you,

BeHeard Team

drdhaval2785 commented 9 years ago
When someone follows one complaint, the complaint raiser should get this

Dear NAME, NAME2 is following your complaint.

Thanking you,

BeHeard Team

When someone follows one complaint, the follower should get this

Dear NAME, You are now following complaint TITLE.

Thanking you,

BeHeard Team

drdhaval2785 commented 9 years ago
When someone supports one complaint, the complaint raiser should get this

Dear NAME, NAME2 is supporting your complaint.

Thanking you,

BeHeard Team

When someone supports one complaint, the supporter should get this

Dear NAME, You are now supporting complaint TITLE.

Thanking you,

BeHeard Team