NightFyre / DX11-ImGui-Internal-Hook

Complete DX11 Internal Hook w/ Dear ImGui
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Window Resizes Crashing App After Unhook #9

Open rkwapisz opened 2 months ago

rkwapisz commented 2 months ago

I've been encountering an issue where unhooking the DLL causes the application that was hooked to crash when its window is resized. Tracing the crash leads me into the game code, but the addresses from the call stack are all garbage since the app has already crashed.

I suspect something is not being properly restored by the D3D unhook related to the resize buffers, but from what I'm seeing, MinHook is doing its job properly.

If this is reproducible in other injected applications, then I know it's not just my app, but I don't know where else to investigate since my D3D knowledge is elementary at best.