NightLore / DependencyVis

2 stars 1 forks source link

Research Questions #44

Open NightLore opened 4 years ago

NightLore commented 4 years ago
  1. How helpful are visualization programs?
  2. How well does this implementation help a developer determine an acceptable dependency?
NightLore commented 4 years ago

Another direction: ask open source maintainers if this would be useful

  1. Is this program useful for open source maintainers?
  2. Would this program be used by open source maintainers?
  3. What would open source maintainers like to see in a visualization program?
NightLore commented 4 years ago

Idea: Separate questions based on different metrics such as vulnerabilities, popularity (stars, forks...), activeness (open/closed issues, truck factor, PR, mean time to review/close PR)

  1. Does showing vulnerability levels help developers choose acceptable dependencies?
  2. Does showing vulnerability levels help developers maintain their dependencies?
  3. Does showing popularity metrics help developers choose acceptable dependencies?
  4. Does showing activeness metrics help developers choose acceptable dependencies?
  5. Do developers prefer to a visualization program over searching for the information themselves?
  6. Are developers from large companies more likely to prefer a visualization program?
NightLore commented 4 years ago
NightLore commented 4 years ago
bcdasilv commented 3 years ago

Visualizing the Evolution of Systems and their library Dependencies (Vissoft 2014):

Visualizing Modules and Dependencies of OSGi-based Applications (Visoft 2016):