NightOwl888 / ICU4N

International Components for Unicode for .NET
Apache License 2.0
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Failing Test: ICU4N.Dev.Test.Collate.CollationServiceTest::TestRegisterFactory() #37

Open NightOwl888 opened 2 years ago

NightOwl888 commented 2 years ago

ICU4N.Dev.Test.Collate.CollationServiceTest::TestRegisterFactory() is failing on Linux due to the Collator.GetDisplayName(UCultureInfo) method not returning the correct name for a custom UCultureInfo instance registered with Collator.GetDisplayName().


The test is known to fail on Ubuntu 18.0.4 and Ubuntu 20.0.4 and only on .NET 5 and higher. While this makes it highly likely the issue is related to the ICU integration in .NET, changing to NLS seems to have no effect on the problem.

More investigation is needed, but due to the fact this is only returning display text for a culture it doesn't seem to be a blocker for releases at this point.