NightfallGT / Discord-Account-Generator

Automate creating discord accounts; No captcha API key required
363 stars 182 forks source link

Hey pls make me other gen #87

Closed vuthanhtrung2010 closed 7 months ago

vuthanhtrung2010 commented 2 years ago

Your gen is good but i got captcha key and proxies! Pls make me a gen using captcha key and proxies and no chrome driver require (i just need python use 2 captcha) and using gmailnator like your tool here too.

Az-r08 commented 2 years ago

we can't understand you wdym by that

arin2115 commented 2 years ago

Bruh, firstly you have to understand how Discord works. Using brain you'll know that it's impossible to use gmailnator because it's detected already...