NightfallGT / Discord-Account-Generator

Automate creating discord accounts; No captcha API key required
363 stars 182 forks source link

captcha is broken after i finish it i am instantly brought back to the sign up screen #93

Open sanojinx opened 2 years ago

QuantaNeon commented 2 years ago


ghost commented 2 years ago

same, please if somebody figures out how to solve tell here

QuartzWarrior commented 2 years ago

This is because the emails from gmailnator do not work for discord.

1643697 commented 2 years ago

Any clue which email service works?

QuartzWarrior commented 2 years ago works, I contacted the owner to get access to the exe file so I can add that.

1643697 commented 2 years ago

How can i config it to used

QuartzWarrior commented 2 years ago

You can't, unless you know how to code in python. I am working on a version right now.

QuartzWarrior commented 2 years ago

Well I need access to the exe

QuartzWarrior commented 2 years ago


QuartzWarrior commented 2 years ago

Updating this source

WeLoveGaming commented 2 years ago

What kind of proxies do you use and from where?

QuartzWarrior commented 2 years ago

I usually use, because its free (10gb/month), trusted, and has lots of locations.

WeLoveGaming commented 2 years ago

You sure the free proxies are residential?

QuartzWarrior commented 2 years ago

You sure the free proxies are residential?

Nope, but they work so I use them.