NightfallGT / Discord-QR-Scam

Discord QR Scam Code Generator + Token grab mobile device
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Variety of Small Improvements #15

Closed SpaceGT closed 1 year ago

SpaceGT commented 2 years ago

I noticed a few things that could be improved and took the liberty to do so!

  1. ChromeDriver is now imported as a service (removes the depreciation error that showed at the start)
  2. Installers now use a virtualenv (this is always a better idea then adding modules globally and gives the installer more use)
  3. Files generated by the script are included in the .gitignore (because I don't want them littering the untracked files in git)
  4. The script will start as soon as the page loads rather then waiting 5 seconds (I'm proud of this one)
  5. Timeout has been increased to 15 seconds (there is a (small) potential for an infinite loop but I'll look into fixing this)
  6. Code has been formatted according to PEP8 guidelines (there wasn't much - you write beautiful code!)
  7. Console is now cleared on start and errors are handled properly giving a really clear and nice experience!

Currently, fetching the token is broken and will give an error, but at least now it neatly exits instead of spamming the screen with stack traces. I'll look into fixing this later.

I don't ask for any form of credit but it would be nice to get a mention :)

SpaceGT commented 2 years ago

Made a few more changes:

  1. Fixed token grabbing (Found a working script on Stackoverflow)
  2. Token grabber is now loaded from a file (neater and it's easy futureproofing)
  3. Exiting is now handled by the script rather then the .bat file (neater)
  4. Changed all of my quote characters to yours and wrapped a line (makes the code neater)
  5. Stopped the potential infinite loop and raise a timeout error (instead of a regular one) if it takes >45s to load
  6. Enable incognito as a "Dark Mode" (better matches Discord's theme)
SpaceGT commented 2 years ago

Updated to the latest Chrome and Discord Version! Sorry for the delay :)

SpaceGT commented 1 year ago

I am closing this pull request due to inactivity on the developer's part. It's been a bit over a year since I started and it has been an... interesting first pull request.

To speak honestly, I never had any interest in making scams or scamming people: I just saw a YouTube video about this project, realized it was broken, and felt like fixing it up.

It's fairly future-proofed and provided you update ChromeDriver, it should work for the foreseeable future. I will be deleting this fork, please keep in mind I've since changed my username so not all information in the script is up-to-date.