NightfallGT / Mercurial-Grabber

Grab Discord tokens, Chrome passwords and cookies, and more
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retards using this to grab stupid kids #35

Open cheatdeveloper73 opened 2 years ago

cheatdeveloper73 commented 2 years ago

lmao this is the funniest shit ever, all the issues are just some braindead 10 year old skids trying to log people. I just forwarded some guy's info to the fbi after he tried to get me with this. Your anti-vm & anti-debug shit doesn't even work. and if it did you can just statically analyze it, that's how retardedly stupid this is.

ghost commented 2 years ago

there fucking stupid that why some kid try to send this to me and IDA pro is my love!!

AizonF commented 2 years ago

yeah man, nightfallgt was nice enough to make a open source grabber so other people could check out source, and skids are just trying to log people with it 🤣

ghost commented 2 years ago

you don't even need statical analysis, string scan just does the trick lmao