Nightfirecat / RealmEye-API

An easy way to access your character data via RealmEye.
MIT License
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Improve logging capabilities #34

Closed Nightfirecat closed 6 years ago

Nightfirecat commented 7 years ago

It would be nice to have some level of application logging for maintenance as needed. (INFO/WARN/DEBUG)


In full, I'd like to see the following features implemented for this application:

Nightfirecat commented 7 years ago

For logging the originating file / method / line,

Nightfirecat commented 7 years ago

Also, for reference on how other languages implement loggers:

Nightfirecat commented 7 years ago

Examples of log statements: (for personal reference)

09.03.2017 12:34:56.987 *INFO* [pool-1-thread-2] message

[Thu Mar 09 12:34:56 2017] [info] message