NightingaleHealth / ggforestplot

An R package to create forestplots of measures of effects with their confidence intervals.
MIT License
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how do you change the line and symbol size in the plot? #9

Open siyunyang opened 3 years ago

siyunyang commented 3 years ago

how do you change the line and symbol size in the forestplot?

linogaliana commented 2 years ago

I was also stuck on this question while there is almost everything needed to give more control on symbol size.

I found this thread useful

The internal geom_effect has an argument fatten that could be used. Unfortunately, this argument is ignored by forestplot (here).

Would it be possible to add to forestplot an argument fatten that would be passed to geom_effect ? Or even better, ... to go further on the customisation ? As far as I understand the internals, that would not destabilize the existing code. On the other hand, this would have the advantage of giving users more control on the size of the points because, when we have many variables, they can become tiny.

Current workaround

My temporary workaround, assuming the object p has been generated using foresplot:

p +
    ggforestplot::geom_effect(ggplot2::aes(xmin = .data$.xmin, xmax = .data$.xmax, 
                                           colour = .data$colour, filled = .data$.filled), 
                              position = ggstance::position_dodgev(height = 0.5),