Nightonke / VHBoomMenuButton

A menu which can ... BOOM! - iOS
MIT License
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Animation flickering #12

Open edgar-zigis opened 7 years ago

edgar-zigis commented 7 years ago


while using this menu I encountered a strange animation flickering. For example when you open menu and then decide to close, you can see flickering button layers on top of the "pieces" (for example using CircleMenu).

qaavi commented 6 years ago


Any updates on above issue ?

AhmedShammala commented 6 years ago


AhmedShammala commented 6 years ago


yasirmturk commented 6 years ago


qaavi commented 6 years ago

This issue is related to Material design ( ). When you use "Material design Navigation Controller" and this VHBoomMenuButton together, this issue occurs.

Used UINavigationController and this issue disappeared.

yasirmturk commented 6 years ago

@AhmedShammala @edgar-zigis are you also using Material ?

edgar-zigis commented 6 years ago

No, I don't use it on any Navigation Controller and I don't use Material library. I simply put it inside the view of simple UIViewController and it has no specific options or extensions which could cause side effects. Tried both using autolayout and simple rect frames - same result.

febinfathah commented 6 years ago

I am also having the same issue of Flickering animation.

AhmedShammala commented 6 years ago

@yasirmturk no but it was bz i using "CRToast" and fix after change it .