Niharika0104 / TrendTrove

An E-commerce application
Apache License 2.0
8 stars 32 forks source link

Enhance Category Cards Design for Improved Layout #23

Closed jeevan10017 closed 5 months ago

jeevan10017 commented 5 months ago

Hi Niharika,

I’ve been exploring TrendTrove and love the functionality and structure. I noticed the category cards could benefit from a design enhancement to improve their visual appeal and user engagement.

Current State of it :

Proposed Enhancements:

  1. Layout: Better alignment, margins, and padding.
  2. Typography: Improved fonts and text styles.
  3. Hover Effects: Smooth animations for interactivity.
  4. Color Scheme: Refined palette for accessibility.
  5. Consistency: Align with the app’s overall theme.

Implementation Plan:

  1. Update with windTailCSS and React components for cards.
  2. I will Ensure responsiveness across devices.
  3. Gather user feedback for further refinements.

Why This Matters:

About Me:

I’m experienced with Frontend Development and passionate about web design.

I’m excited to contribute and look forward to your response as an SSOC contributor.

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