Niilo007 / Stationeers-Research

Documentation and MIPS code for the game "Stationeers"
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Document Centrifuge Changes #152

Open Niilo007 opened 5 months ago

Niilo007 commented 5 months ago

Changed Centrifuge and Combustion Centrifuge have a maximum capacity. Once they are full they Go into an error state and start spinning down. Centrifuge capacity: 400, Combustion Centrifuge capacity: 3000.

Added Tooltips to Centrifuges to display information about error state.

Changed Centrifuge and Combustion Centrifuge will now roll over any additional progress when processing a stack or dirty ore or slag. i.e if the final processing tick would take the progress value to 110% the remainder 10% would be added the progress of the next item in the stack. Because of the slow tick rate of the progress calculation there was limited benefit in running a combustion Centrifuge above 600rpm. This change allows players that use NoS in the combustion centrifuge to see the benefits of the additional RPMs created by using NoS.

Fixed CombustionCentrifuge didn't implement LogicType.Reagents correctly.+ Added TotalContents ReagentMode to Reagent Reader. Reports the sum of all reagents in target device. (The ReagentType selection screw interaction is disabled when the mode is set to TotalContents)

Added TotalContents ReagentMode to the LR IC instruction. the final argument needs to be supplied to allow code compilation but will be ignored during processing. E.g. lr r0 d0 TotalContents 0

Changed the behaviour of the Electric Centrifuge so that it when opened while running it will enter a powered state and spin down to 0 rpm. It will wait to export any items until it is at 0 rpm