Niilo007 / Stationeers-Research

Documentation and MIPS code for the game "Stationeers"
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[Update Documentation]: Printer power use #155

Open Niilo007 opened 5 months ago

Niilo007 commented 5 months ago

Changed Tier 2 printing machines to have a 10% increase in power cost of a recipe, instead of 500%.

Small pass on recipes from standard printing machines, focusing on power usage. Many long time pints (30-240s) had power values only drawing ~10w. These longer prints have generally been brought up to 100w while printing, with some higher end kits being towards 400w. In comparison, printing glass sheets uses 500w.

Increased print times for several recipes where very few were likely to be printed, and the printing time was relatively low.

Increased Large Battery printing wattage to be 1kw, and Nuclear Batteries to be 2kw, to create 'minor' wattage spikes when printing new batteries.

Moved Security printer recipe from the electronics printer to the autolathe.