Niilo007 / Stationeers-Research

Documentation and MIPS code for the game "Stationeers"
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[Update Documentation]: Solar panel power outputs #158

Open Niilo007 opened 5 months ago

Niilo007 commented 5 months ago

Fixed SolarIrradiance was not being correctly calculated.

Added SolarConstant is applied in SolarIrradiance based on the distance from the sun. This will have dramatic impact on worlds far from the sun, such as Mimas and Europa, for the usage of solar panels. Additionally, as orbits are not circular, during a local "year" you will have varying SolarIrradiance values. The DaylightSensor has a variable that includes current SolarIrradiance.

Fixed Solar Panels were not using SolarIrradiance, and were just using SolarConstant directly. This gave incorrect power values far above what was expected on outer worlds.

Added Solar panels take into account their area size, but cap at a maximum output. This softens the blow of SolarIrradiance taking into account distance from the solar body. This means that for a 2x2 panel you would be able to get much more on the moon (~1470W/m2) than the maximum of 500W. But it means that on Europa (~54W/m2) you would get about 217W. This may change but the basic approach will remain.