Niilo007 / Stationeers-Research

Documentation and MIPS code for the game "Stationeers"
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[Update Documentation]: New MIPS functions #159

Open Niilo007 opened 5 months ago

Niilo007 commented 5 months ago

Added GET and GETD instructions. These allow you to attempt to read the stack value at the provided address, and places it in the register, from a device within the network. GET does this using a device index reference, GETD uses a direct reference.

Added PUT and PUTD instructions. These allow you to attempt to write the provided value to the stack at the provided address, from a device within the network. PUT does this using a device index reference, PUTD uses a direct reference.

Added POKE instruction. Pokes the value of b to the stack at a.

Added (beta) load direct instruction. Loads device LogicType to register by direct ID reference. This reference id can be found using the ConfigCartridge and is provided on that as a hex reference. Note this instruction will be moved to a future IC chip.