Niilo007 / Stationeers-Research

Documentation and MIPS code for the game "Stationeers"
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[Update Documentation]: New traders #178

Open Niilo007 opened 5 months ago

Niilo007 commented 5 months ago

Added more trades to the Hydroponics traders.

Added Liquid Trader. These traders specialize in liquids, such as selling Liquid Nitrogen, Liquid Volatiles, and Water in bulk quantities.

Added an Appliance trader who will sell appliances and purchase stuff needed to make appliances.

Added Decay Condition for trading. Now some trades can require organic items to be in specific decay states.

Added care package requests to traders. Sometimes traders will pay handsomely for key supplies. Pack these in a cardboard box for good profit.

Added a Tools Trader who will sell basic tools and other hardware supplies.

Added a Grocery Trader who will purchase produce, and sell packaged prepared food and other ingredient supplies, such as milk and cartons of eggs.

Refactored the Trade Data system to use the new data standards. These are easier to read and more standardized. This will break all mods that implement new traders, but they should be easy enough to rework and they will have a great deal more options, such as nested item trades for purchase from players.