Niinleslie / MesKit

A tool kit for dissecting cancer evolution from multi-region derived tumor biopsies via somatic mutations
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Error: Pairwise CCF comparison #260

Closed reipatho closed 1 year ago

reipatho commented 1 year ago


Now I'm analyzing Pairwise CCF comparison, and SOME (not all) cases are in stuck.

graphics::smoothScatter(matrix(c(KS01_S_D[, 3], KS01_S_D[, 4]),ncol = 2), xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1), colramp = colorRampPalette(c("white", RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "BuPu"))), xlab = "S", ylab = "D") *KS01(sample name), S and D (position)

and return an error on "graphics::smoothScatter(matrix(c(KS01_S_D[, 3], KS01_S_D[, 4]),ncol = 2)", 'data' is 'NULL'

What should I do ?? And what is the difference among success cases and not ??

reipatho commented 1 year ago

I solved my own problem I guess it is a kind of bug (or my poor understanding) First Tumor_ID and ccf.list.order should be aligned Following is my example

"KS01.clin" Tumor_Sample_Barcode Tumor_ID Patient_ID Tumor_Sample_Label KS01-1 D KS01 D_1 KS01-2 D KS01 D_2 KS01-3 S KS01 S_3 KS01-5 S KS01 S_5 KS01-6 D KS01 D_6

ccf.list <- compareCCF(maf, pairByTumor = TRUE, min.ccf = 0.02, use.adjVAF = TRUE, use.indel = TRUE) KS01_S_D <- ccf.list$FJ01$**S-D** KS01_S_D result: NULL

ccf.list <- compareCCF(maf, pairByTumor = TRUE, min.ccf = 0.02, use.adjVAF = TRUE, use.indel = TRUE) KS01_S_D <- ccf.list$KS01$**D-S** KS01_S_D result: Hugo_Symbol Mut_ID D S 1 CASZ1 1:10660197:G:A 0.961 0.999 2 PRAMEF12 1:12775647:G:A 1.000 0.855 3 IGSF21 1:18365400:C:T 1.000 0.999 4 RHCE 1:25392020:G:A 1.000 0.999 5 AHDC1 1:27547288:G:A 0.963 0.999